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Siemens Building Technologies CE1G3332xx 2015-03-06 3/20
In the supply air duct downstream from the supply air
fan if fan is installed after the last air handling unit,
In the supply air duct downstream from the last air
handling unit in a distance of 0.5 m
As a minimum supply air temperature limiter:
In the supply air duct as close as possible to the air dis-
charge into the room
As a dewpoint controller:
Immediately downstream from the droplet separator of
the air washer
1. First mount the flange. For drilling holes, refer to “Di-
2. Bend flexible sensing element manually (never use a
tool) so that – when mounted – it stretches diagonally
across the air duct .
Note! The flexible sensing element may not touch the
duct wall: The minimum clearance is 50 mm and the
smallest permissible bending radius 10 mm
3. Fit mounting flange.
4. Slide controller on mounting flange and snap it on.
Electrical installation
Ensure that the local regulations for electrical installa-
tions are complied with
The connecting terminals are located under the flexible
plastic cover
Make wiring according to the plant documentation. If not
available, use the connection diagrams contained in
these Installation Instructions
Observe the permissible cable lengths
Switch on power only when commissioning the controller
External preliminary protection with max. C 10 A circuit
breaker is required in all cases
23 5
1 LED for test mode / normal operation
2 DIP switch block
3 Setting slider for setpoint increase or decrease
4 Setting potentiometer for the relay Q13–Q14
5 Setting potentiometer for the P-band
5 Temperature setting slider for setpoint or limit value
Operating action:
Where? What?
DIP switch block,
switches no. 1 and 2
1 2
Heating and cooling in sequence
Two-stage heating
Single-stage cooling
Single-stage heating
Control mode and integral action time:
DIP switch block,
switches no. 3 and 4
3 4
PI mode, integral action time = 600 s
PI mode, integral action time = 120 s
PI mode, integral action time = 180 s
Test mode:
DIP switch block,
switch no. 5
Test mode
Normal operation
Outside temperature compensation:
DIP switch block,
switch no. 6
Switching contact Q13–Q14:
Potentiometer 4 Potentiometer setting should correspond to the re-
quired switching point of output relay Q13–Q14
P-band Y1 (not adjustable for Y2):
Potentiometer 5 Potentiometer setting should correspond to the re-
quired range of the controller’s output signal
Setpoint increase / decrease:
Slider 3
Setpoint or limit value (supply or extract air temp.):
Temperature setting
slider 6
Adjust after commissioning
Indication of operating state
The red LED indicates the controller’s operating state:
LED lit: Mains voltage present
LED flashes: In test mode
The LED is also visible when the cover is fitted.
When used as a controller
1. Remove housing cover.
2. Lift flexible plastic cover so that you can access the
setting elements.
3. Make the settings:
Operating action (DIP switches 1 and 2)
Control mode and (with PI mode) integral action
time (DIP switches 3 and 4)

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