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1/4 Operating Instructions CB1B1426en_01 / 2013-07-05 Siemens Building Technologies
Operating Instructions
The RDE100FP is a programmer with 3 "Fil Pilote" zones to select Comfort or Economy mode for different
zones at any time.
Note: - The Comfort setpoint must be set directly on each radiator’s thermostat
- The radiator’s operating mode must be set to "Automatic"
1 Display
Stop mode
Auto Timer mode
Room temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit
View and set Auto Timer
Comfort mode
Room temperature in
degrees Celsius
Economy mode
Button lock activated
Room temperature
Setting the weekday and
the time of day
Display of zone
Holiday mode setting
Weekday 1 = Monday
Weekday 7 = Sunday
Time of day
Timer bar
Morning: 12-hour format
Afternoon: 12-hour format
Current room
2 Change operating mode
3 Set
4 Ok
5 Decrease zone value
6 Increase zone value
Do you want to set the time of day and the weekday?
Proceed as follows:
Press Set and select
Press Ok and the time of day flashes for setting
+ or to set the time of day
Press Ok to confirm
Weekday flashes; press
+ or to select the weekday
Press Ok to save
Press Mode to exit or wait for the program to exit automatically
In the event of a power failure followed by power restoration, the time of day flashes, which means that the user
must adjust it and repeat the steps from point 3 above.
All others setting are saved.
Until the time setting is made, the program sends protection commands to all available zones.
Do you want to lock the buttons?
Mode Press and hold Mode for at least 7 seconds to activate a button lock. Repeat to unlock.
The unit operates normally when the buttons are locked, but changes cannot be made.
Do you want to set your Holiday mode?
You can enable Holiday mode for all zones. The radiator managed by the programmer controls the room
temperature with the Protection setpoint.
Press Set and select
Press Ok to confirm
+ or to set the number of days for holidays (0 = Holiday mode Off)
Press Ok to save
When Holiday mode is activated, the remaining days are displayed
If Mode is pressed while Holiday mode is active, the function is deactivated and the symbol disappears.
Energy saving tips without loss of comfort
Select Auto Timer mode during the heating period and set the time switch as desired
Select Economy or Holiday mode for longer periods of non-occupancy and during the summer

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens RDE100FP

Siemens RDE100FP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

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