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Operating instructions RCR10/868
REV24RF.. - 7-day radio room temperature controller for the right temperature at the right time. All factory
settings already provide optimal living comfort. You can easily adjust the controller to your needs with the user-
assisted clear-text display and program selection slider.
REV24RF.. (controller with radio transmitter) is a wireless device that you can mount on the wall or place freely
on a base in the room.
Its radio frequency 868 MHz is largely immune to external disturbances. The signal level meets regulations and
is kept as low as possible. The devices are approved for all EU member states, Iceland, Norway, and
Note the following for placing the devices:
Make sure no other influencing factors influence the controller's temperature sensor (no solar radiation and
other heat or cold source influences).
The distance between controller and receiver may not exceed 20 m or 2 floors.
Do not place near metallic items or electrical devices, etc..
Day of week
Low battery
Radio clock Date Setting: 1-5, 6-7, 1..7
active Reading: 1..7
Time display
Holiday mode
Info mode
Test mode
Installer mode
setpoint symbols
Text display
Cooling mode /
Heating mode
Switching pattern
with time cursor
Automatic mode
Party mode active
Exception day mode
Continuous comfort mode
°C or °F
Continuous energy
saving mode
Heating On /
Cooling On
Protection mode
Temperature display
Info button
Increase values, set time or
make a selection
Change between Comfort and
energy saving temperature
(active until next switching time)
and Part
Decrease values, set time or
make a selection
Operating mode
- Automatic
- Exception day
- Comfort mode
- Energy saving
- Prot. mode
Program selection slider
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Operating elements and settings
Time setting
Day / Month / Year
Weekdays 1-5
Weekend 6-7
Individual. da
s 1..7
1, 2 or 3
Comfort phases
Start time
Comfort phase 1
Comfort phase 1
Comfort phase 1
Start time
Comfort phase 2
Comfort phase 2
Comfort phase 2
Start time
Comfort phase 3
Comfort phase 3
Comfort phase 3
Saving temp. time
Slider positions
If the selected operating mode does not support the setting, the time display shows PASS.
Special symbols displayed
The controller display can show the following special symbols:
Is symbol displayed ?
The alarm indicates an error!
Press the Info button and check the error message (e.g. radio clock signal, radio connection to receiver, etc.).
Contact a specialist as needed.
Is symbol or displayed?
The controller is in "heating mode“ or "cooling mode“ .
Is a rolling triangle symbol displayed ?
The controller sends a control telegram to the receiver.
Is symbol displayed ?
This symbol tells you that you must exchange the batteries within the next 3
Insert 2 new alkaline batteries type AA, 1.5 V as follows:
Remove the controller from the mounting base; open the battery compartment on the
rear; remove the old batteries; insert the new batteries and reinsert the controller in
the base.
Caution: Time and date are retained for max. 1 minute.
(All other settings remain unchanged).
Dispose of the batteries as per regulations.
Is symbol displayed ?
The radio clock symbol only appears if the receiver is set up and activated to receive the
time signal from Frankfurt (Germany). A permanent symbol indicates that both time and
date of the controller are synchronized to Frankfurt (DCF77).
The symbol flashes if the signal is not received for more than 1 week.
Commission receiver RCR10/868
The factory setting connects the receiver in the RF/SET to the controller.
After commissioning, it does not require maintenance.
Press the override button on the receiver to manually override the
relay. After ca. 15 minutes, the relay again follows the controller's control
The relay turns off after a voltage interruption as well as 60 minutes after
receipt of the last control telegram.
Receiver and controller can be manually connected. Press button
“LEARN“ for ca. 4 seconds on the receiver: The blue LED_2 flashes
slowly, learning mode is active. Press button "LEARN" within 20 minutes
on the controller for ca. 4 seconds: The blue LED_2 briefly flashes
quickly; LED_1 goes from red to green.
Max 15 receivers can be connected to 1 controller.
Commission the controller and quick start
The controller contains a factory-set comfort switching pattern and temperature values.
Proceed as follows for initial commissioning:
Remove the controller from the mounting base and pull off the black insulating
tape from the 2 batteries: The controller turns on automatically. Reinsert the
controller in the mounting base.
After startup, a welcome message appears for ca. 2 minutes. Press a button
to interrupt the message. Language selection starts with “ENGLISH“ (factory
setting). Press
or until your language appears. Press or move
the slider to accept your language.
Slider in position 1 (time setting): Press or to set the time.
Note: No entry if there is a time signal receiver (DCF77).
Slider in position 2 (date: day/month/year): Press
or to set the date.
Note: No entry if there is a time signal receiver (DCF77).
Move the slider to the very right to position RUN (only way to close the cover).
Set the operating mode with the operating mode selector. Factory setting .
Fold the operating instructions and reinsert in the mounting base.
Tips to save energy without reducing comfort
Heat your rooms to max 21 °C.
Use to switch to energy saving temperature even if you are absent only briefly.
Air out your rooms briefly, but with wide-open windows.
B2206en 25.12.2007 Siemens, Building Technologies

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens RCR10-868

Siemens RCR10-868 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Siemens RCR10-868 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

Siemens RCR10-868 Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 56 pagina's

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