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Appliance self-test
Your appliance features an automatic
self-test program which shows you
sources of faults which may be repaired
by customer service only.
Starting the appliance self-test
1. Switch off the appliance and wait
2. Switch the appliance on.
3. Press alarm button, Fig. 2/5, to switch
off the warning signal.
If there is no warning signal, this step
is not applicable.
4. Within the first 10 seconds after
switching on the appliance, hold down
the super button, Fig. 2/2,
for 3 to 5 seconds until an acoustic
signal sounds.
The self-test programme starts. While
the self-test is running, a long acoustic
signal sounds.
When the self-test ends and an acoustic
signal sounds twice, your appliance is
in working order.
If the super button flashes for
10 seconds and 5 acoustic signals
sound, there is a fault. Inform customer
Ending the appliance self-test
When the programme has ended, the
appliance switches over to normal
Customer service
Your local customer service
canbefound inthetelephone directory
or in the customer-service index. Please
provide customer service
with the appliance product number
(E-Nr.) and production number (FD).
These specifications
can be found on the rating plate. Fig. .
To prevent unnecessary call-outs, please
assist customer service by quoting
the product and production numbers.
This will save you additional costs.
Repair order and advice
on faults
Contact information for all countries can
be found on the enclosed customer
service list.
GB 0844 892 8999 Calls from a BT
landline will be
charged at up
to 3 pence per
minute. A call
set-up fee of up
to 6 pence may
IE 01450 2655
US 866 447 4363 toll-free

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens KI86NAD30

Siemens KI86NAD30 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português - 4 pagina's

Siemens KI86NAD30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 94 pagina's

Siemens KI86NAD30 Installatiehandleiding - Espanõl - 4 pagina's

Siemens KI86NAD30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 94 pagina's

Siemens KI86NAD30 Installatiehandleiding - Polski, Türkiye - 4 pagina's

Siemens KI86NAD30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Türkiye - 94 pagina's

Siemens KI86NAD30 Installatiehandleiding - Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 4 pagina's

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