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Usable capacity
Information on the usable capacity can
be found inside your appliance on
the rating plate. Fig. /
Fully utilising the freezer
The maximum amount of food can be
placed in the freezer by removing all
fittings. The food can be stacked directly
on the shelves and in the bottom
of the freezer compartment.
Removing the fittings
Pull out the frozen food container all
the way, lift at the front and remove.
Fig. *
To insert the frozen food container with
telescopic rails, the rails must be pulled
The refrigerator compartment is the ideal
storage location for ready meals, cakes
and pastries, preserved food, condensed
milk and hard cheese.
Storing food
Store fresh, undamaged food. The
quality and freshness will then
be retained for longer.
In the case of ready-made products
and bottled goods, observe the best-
before date or use-by date specified
by the manufacturer.
To retain aroma, colour
and freshness, pack or cover food
well before placing in the appliance.
This will prevent the transfer
of flavours and the discolouration
of plastic parts in the refrigerator
Allow warm food and drinks to cool
down before placing in the appliance.
Avoid contact between food and rear
panel. Otherwise the air circulation will
be impaired.
Food or packaging could freeze to
the rear panel.
Note the chill zones
in the refrigerator
The air circulation in the refrigerator
compartment creates different chill
Thecoldest zones are ontherear
panel and in the delicatessen
containers. Fig. 3
Warmest zone is at the very top
of the door.
Store e.g. hard cheese and butter
in the warmest zone. Cheese can then
continue to release its flavour and
the butter will still be easy to spread.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens KI39FP70

Siemens KI39FP70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português, Espanõl - 99 pagina's

Siemens KI39FP70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 30 pagina's

Siemens KI39FP70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Türkiye - 99 pagina's

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