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key feature summary
Feature Activate Cancel
Appointment Reminder *46 + HH:MM #46
Call Back *58 #58
Call Park *56 #56 (retrieve call)
Call Waiting (Accept Call) *55
Conference *3 #3
Divert (All Calls) *11 #1
Divert (External Calls) *12 #1
Divert (Internal Calls) *13 #1
Do Not Disturb *97 #97
Mute on/off *52 (on) #52 (off)
Night Answer *44 (on) #44 (off)
Program Feature Key *91
Send Messages *68 + Station No. +0-9 #68
Speed Dial Key *7 + * + location no.
Speed Dial Key - changing *92
call back
(display handset)
When an internal call is made,
the display will show: Call Back?,
if the extension is busy or the
call is not answered.
a Press to initiate the call back feature
b When the extension becomes free,
the display will show:
Call Back: (Name of caller).
c Lift the handset and the system will
connect you with the extension.
In order to cancel the Call Back feature,
enter #58.
(non display handset)
a Press Enquiry/Consultation key
b Enter *58 to activate Call Back feature
when you hear the busy tone.
how to program and
interrogate feature keys
(display handset)
a Enter *91 OR press the [Program/Service]
button and select the feature by using the
menu keys.
b Display will show: Press feature key
c Select the feature key you wish to
program (if a feature has been set it
will be displayed).
d Display will show: Change feature?
*You can use the menu keys to make
further selections eg: Delete feature,
program another key? End?.
e Press to confirm the selection
f Enter feature code eg: *97 for Do Not
Disturb, or a phone number (if external you
must include '0' or the external access
code eg 0 988 1234).
program and activate
speed dial keys
(display handset)
a Enter *92 OR press the
[Program/Service] button and select
the feature by using the menu keys.
b Enter *+ (number you wish to program
c Display will show: Change entry?
(You can use the menu keys to make
further selections,
eg: Delete?, End?, Next Entry?).
d Press to confirm the selection
e Enter the phone number (include '0'
or the external line access code.
(non display handset)
a Enter *92
b Enter *+ (number you wish to
program 0-9).
c Enter the phone number (include '0'
or the external line access code).
d After you have completed dialling
the number, wait 5 seconds).
To activate speed dial keys
a Enter *7
b Enter * (number you wish to access
*0-*9 or 000 - 999).
c The number will be automatically dialled.
conference calls
(display handset)
a Dial or receive the first call
b Display will show: Enquiry?
c Press to confirm the selection
d Dial the extension or external number you
wish to conference.
e Display will show: Quit and Return?,
use < > to select 'Conference'.
f Press to confirm the selection
(non display handset)
The user is on a call, in order
to conference:
a Press Enquiry key
b Dial the extension or external number
you wish to conference.
c Press Enquiry key when the other person
d You will then hear dial tone
e Enter *3 to conference all parties
diverting calls
(display handset or non display handset)
When using an entry or analogue
phone you must lift the handset.
Whilst on any other Commander
e-Path phone, this is not necessary.
a Enter *11 (divert all calls) or *12 (external
calls) OR *13 (internal calls).
b Enter where you wish to divert calls to..
Eg: Reception or voicemail '350'
(if available). NB: #1 will cancel divert.
do not disturb
(display handset)
a Use menu keys to navigate through
display menu until you reach DND on?
b Display will show: DND on?
c Press to confirm the selection
To turn DND off, use menu keys to navigate
through display until you reach DND Off?
(non display handset)
a Enter *97 to active DND
NB: #97 will cancel DND.
using the phone book
(display handset)
a Use menu keys to navigate through display
menu until you reach Phonebook?
b Press to confirm the selection
c Display will show: Scroll Next?
(You can use the menu keys to make
further selections eg: Scroll Previous?
Call? etc).
Alternatively you can use the alphanumeric
keypad to navigate more quickly through
the Phone Book (instead of performing
step 3 above). Eg: By pressing 7 three times
(R) will take you to the first name starting
with 'R' .
Commander Australia Limited
Sales 1300 138 833 Service 1300 138 899
HiPath 3800
User Guide
This brochure is issued to provide product outline information
only. It is not to form part of any order or contract.
Any applications of products shown in this brochure are for
illustration purposes only and do not give or imply any licences
or rights to use the information for any purposes whatsoever.
Commander reserves the right to alter without notice the
specification, design, price or conditions of supply of any product
or service.
Commander is the registered trademark of Commander
Australia Limited ACN 082 384 343
CDR1106 09/05 S/I 823/008

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