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A400/A400A / GBR / A31008-M2201-L101-3-7619 / Overview.fm / 19.06.2013
Safety precautions
Emergency numbers cannot be dialled if the keypad lock
(¢ page 1) is activated!
Not all of the functions described in
this user guide are avail-
able in all countries.
Caring for your telephone
Wipe the base, charger and handset with a damp
cloth (do not use solvent) or an antistatic cloth.
Never use a
dry cloth as this can cause static.
Contact with liquid
If the handset should come into contact with liquid:
u Switch the handset off and remove the batteries
u Allow the liquid to drain from the handset.
u Pat all parts dry, then place the handset with the
ttery compartment open and the keypad facing
down in a dry, warm place for at least 72 hours
(not in
a microwave, oven or similar).
u Do not switch on the handset again until it is
mpletely dry.
When it has fully dried out, you will usually be able to
use it
Be sure to read this user guide and the safety precautions in
detail before using your telephone. Explain their content
and the potential hazards associated with using the tele-
phone to your children.
Only use the mains unit
Only fit the r
ecommended, rechargeable batter-
ies (¢ page 15), i.e. never use any other battery
type or non-rechargeable batteries as this could
esult in significant health risks and personal
Using your telephone may affect nearby medical
uipment. Be aware of the technical conditions in
your particular environment, e.g., doctor's surgery.
Do not hold the rear of the handset to your ear
n it is ringing. Otherwise you risk serious and
permanent damage to your hearing.
The handset may cause an unpleasant humming
oise in hearing aids.
Do not install the phone in a bathroom or shower
oom. The handset and base are not splashproof.
Do not use your phone in environments with a
tial explosion hazard, e.g. paint shops.
If you give your Gigaset to a third party, make sure
also give them the user guide.
Remove faulty bases from use or have them
epaired by our Service department, as they could
interfere with other wireless services.
Batteries should not be disposed of in general
ousehold waste. Observe the local waste dis-
posal regulations, details of which can be obtained
om your local authority.
All electrical and electronic products should be
of separately from the municipal waste
stream via designated collection facilities
appointed by the government or the local author-
This crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the prod-
uct means the product is covered by the European
irective 2002/96/EC.
The correct disposal and separate collection of
our old appliance will help prevent potential neg-
ative consequences for the environment and
health. It is a precondition for reuse and
recycling of used electrical and electronic equip-
For more detailed information about disposal of
our old appliance, please contact your local
council refuse centre or the original supplier of the
You are helping to protect the environment with
your Gigaset A400/A400A.
Reducing energy consumption
Your telephone has a power-saving adapter plug
and us
es less power.
Reducing radiation
The radiation from your telephone is reduced au
the closer the handset is to the base, the
lower the radiation.
the radiation is reduced to virtually zero when
only one handset is registered and the handset is
placed in the base.
You can reduce the radiation of the handset and
base ev
en more by using Eco Mode/Eco Mode+
(see menu tree page 20):
u Eco Mode: 8
0% radiation reduction in standby
mode and during a call (the range of the base is
u Eco Mode+: Th
e radiation is switched off in
standby mode (top left display icon
½). Press
and hold the talk key
c to check that the base
can be reached. You hear the ringing tone if the
base can be reached. WhenEco Mode+ is acti-
vated handset standby time is reduced by
prox. 50%.
Eco Mode/Eco Mode+ c
an be activated/deactivated
independently of one another. Registering handsets
that do not support Eco Mode+ will cause the mode
to be deactivated on the base and all other hand-

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens Gigaset A400

Siemens Gigaset A400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Siemens Gigaset A400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Siemens Gigaset A400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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