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Main menu (first menu level)
To open the main menu:
F Press the menu key.
To access a function in the main menu:
A / C B
Use the Down/Up key to scroll to the function
and press the OK key.
To access a function in the submenu:
A / C B
Use the Down/Up key to scroll to the function
and press the OK key.
(If necessary, you can access the next level of
the submenu in the same way.)
The function to be set follows the last selection of a
submenu. A triangle g on the left displays the current
setting or position in the menu.
After pressing the OK key
B, you can make final edits to
the function.
Return (without saving) to exit the menu
While you are navigating through the menu or if you make
settings without having confirmed them with the OK key,
you can go back one step at a time without changing any
;...; Press the Last number redial key until you
reach the desired menu level or you exit the
Step-by-step instructions for navigating the menus
Individual steps that you must carry out to navigate the
menu appear in abbreviated form in the user guide, e.g.:
F ¢ Acoustic ¢ SPK Volume
In each case, the arrow ¢ means:
Scroll to the function with the Down/Up key
A / C, then
press the OK key
Finally, press
B again to select the function.
Detailed explanation of the above example:
F Press the menu key.
A Scroll to Acoustic with the Down key.
B Press the OK key.
A Scroll to SPK Volume with the Down key.
B Press the OK key.
If another submenu follows, continue using
A and B
in the same way until the desired function is called.
Making calls
Dialling a number
co Lift handset, dial number.
or ...
o Dial a phone number. If you enter an incorrect
number, press
> to delete it and proceed as
B/L Press the OK key or L.
After 2 seconds the number is dialled. Lift the
handset if you want to hold the conversation
via the handset.
; key can be used to insert pauses when dialling,
starting from the 2nd digit. By pressing
=> you can add
R-key functions to the number.
The approximate length of the call is shown on the display
in minutes and seconds at the end of a call.
Activating/deactivating handsfree talking
With this telephone you can also make calls (handsfree
mode) or settings without lifting the handset if the adapter
is connected. The best distance from the microhone for
speaking is about 50 cm.
Activating during a call via the handset
L + a With the Loudspeaker key pressed replace the
Activating before dialling the number
L Before dialling: hold down the Loudspeaker
key until you can hear the dialling tone.
Deactivating handsfree talking
c Lift the handset during the call.
Last number redial
The last 5 numbers dialled (up to 32 digits) are saved
automatically. You can retrieve these numbers from the
redial list and dial them again:
Redialling the last number dialled
c; Lift the handset and press the last number
redial key. The last dialled phone number is
dialled immediately.
> Phonebook
Ó Message

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens Gigaset 5030

Siemens Gigaset 5030 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

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