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Gigaset AS185_UK _ A31008-M2036-L151-1-7619 _ 11. Mai 2010
Quick start guide
GIGASET HELPLINE: 0845 3670812
Pack contents
If you have purchased a model
with multiple handsets the
package should contain two
batteries, a battery cover, a
charging cradle
8 with mains
9 for each additional
one Gigaset AS185 Base station
2 one mains adapter
3 one Gigaset AS18H handset
4 one phone cord
5 two batteries
6 one battery cover
7 this Quick start guide
Connecting the base station
¤ Connect power adapter 1 and
Phone jack
2 to the base and
place the cable recesses.
Please ensure the power lead is
fully inserted.
Please note:
u The mains adapter must always be connected, as the Phone will not operate
without a mains connection.
u Always use the power adapter and Phone cord supplied. Pin connections on
Telephone cables can vary.
Connecting the charging cradle (if included)
¤ Plug the mains adapter into the
plug socket
¤ Connect the flat plug from the
mains adapter
If you need to disconnect the plug from the
charging cradle, press the release button
3 and
disconnect the plug
Preparing the handset
Initial charging and discharging of the batteries
¤ Insert the batteries the right way
round. The polarity is indicated
in/on the battery compartment.
¤ Then slide the battery cover back
into the main casing until it clicks
into place.
f you need to open the battery cover, for
nstance to replace the batteries, place
your fingertip in the grooved area on the
op of the cover and slide down.
The correct charge status can only be displayed if
the batteries are first fully charged and discharged.
¤ Place the handset in the charger
for 7 hours.
Then remove the handset from the charger, make and receive Phone calls, setup the
Phone etc. and do not put it on the charger until the batteries are fully discharged.
Setting the date and time
Set the date and time so that the correct date and time can be assigned to incoming
calls, and so that the alarm can be used.
Date: DD: MM: YY
¤ Press the key below MENU on the
display screen to open the main
¤ Press the bottom of the control
key ...
... until the
Settings menu item
¤ Press the key below OK on the
display screen to confirm your
Date/Time menu item appears on
the display.
¤ Press the key below OK on the
display screen to open the input
¤ The active cursor position is flashing.
Enter day, month and year as an
6-digit number via the handset,
Q 1 1Q1Q for 01/10/10.
Answer machine
Message Indication Key on handset will flash to indicate one or all of the
following events:
u missed calls (if caller ID is enabled for your line numbers will be shown)
u new messages on the answer machine
u new Text messages (SMS) received
Activating/deactivating the answer machine
MENU ¢ Voice Mail ¢ OK ¢ Answer Mach. ¢ OK (
If the answer machine is activated, the answering machine icon ± will be displayed
in the header.
To retrieve your messages, just press the flashing
key on your handset.
Dial tone
The dial tone will only be heard when pressing the c call button for 2 seconds.
A short press will open the redial list.
You can also use the
speaker button.
Display in idle status
u 2: internal number, if more then one handset is registered
: answering machine is activated
u Battery charge status:
= e V U (empty to full)
= flashes: batteries almost empty
e V U flashes: charging procedure
Registration handset
Your handsets should already be registered by default, if your handset is flashing the
text "No Base" then it can be that:
u Your base station is not switched on, please check if the power supply is connected
u There is too much distance between the handset and base.
u Your handset has not been pre-registered in the factory.
In the case that the handset has not been pre-registered, or you want to register an
additional handset to your base station, use the manual registration procedure
Automatic registering procedure
Manual registration procedure
1. On the handset:
MENU ¢ Settings ¢ OK ¢ Handset ¢ OK ¢ Register HS ¢ OK ¢ enter the
system PIN for the base and press
OK. Default PIN = 0000
2. On the base station:
Within 60 seconds of entering the system PIN, press and hold the registration/paging
key (min. 3 seconds). Registration takes approx. 1 minute.
You can register up to four handsets to your base. You can also register other Gigaset
handsets and handsets from other devices with GAP functionality.
Place the handset with the
display facing up in the base
The handset registers
automatically. Registration
can take up to 5 minutes.
Do not remove the handset
from the base station during
this time.
Frequently asked questions
Q: There is no dial tone.
A: Press call button for 2 seconds (long press) to obtain dial tone.
A short press opens the redial list.
Q: The line is crackling / not clear.
A: Have you used the new line cable provided? Please do not use an old cable.
Q: The display is not clear / seems to be broken.
A: The display is protected by a plastic film, please make sure you have removed
the protective film.
Q: The handset is not registered.
A: If your handset is not registered, please follow the Registration handset procedure.
(Described on this page)
Q: The caller ID is not working.
A: Have you subscribed to this service (CLIP) from your provider?
Q: Message indicator flashing and I cannot retrieve my message.
A: Message indicator will flash to indicate missed calls as well as new messages of text
messages. (Described on this page)
Please check:
Have you used the phone cord supplied
Have you fully inserted the power cable into the base station
Have you inserted the batteries correctly
Have you charged the batteries for 7 hours
Have you set up the Date/Time
To download the latest software and manuals, visit our web-site: http://www.gigaset.com
You have questions? As a Gigaset customer, you can take advantage of our comprehensive
service offerings. You can find help quickly in this User Manual and in the service pages of
our Gigaset online portal: http://www.gigaset.com
Product may not be fully compatible with the national telephone network. It is clearly
specified on the box near the CE mark as well as on the bottom of the base station for which
country/countries the equipment has been developed. If the equipment is used in a
manner inconsistent with this advice or with the instructions of the manual and on the
product itself, this may have implications on the conditions for warranty or guarantee
claims (repair or exchange of product).
In order to make use of the warranty, the product purchaser is asked to submit a receipt
which proves the date of purchase (date from which the warranty period starts) and the
type of goods that have been purchased.
If you have problems setting up or operation this product please call

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens AS185

Siemens AS185 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

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