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Units shipped to the U.S.A and Canada are designed for operation on 120 V AC only.
Safety precaution with use of a polarized AC plug.
However, some products may be supplied with a nonpolarized plug.
: To prevent electric shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully
: Pour éviter chocs électriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche
dans la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser jusqu au fond.
The available power supply voltage differs according to country or region. However,
this unit is equipped with an Automatic Voltage Selector.
The power supply voltage of the area where the unit will be used automatically
meets the required voltage within the range of AC 220 - 240 V, without any manual
voltage adjustment.
To ensure safe operation, the three-pin plug supplied must be inserted only into a
standard three-pin power point which is effectively earthed through the normal
household wiring. Extension cords used with the equipment must be three-core and
be correctly wired to provide connection to earth.
Improper extension cords are a major cause of fatalities. The fact that the equipment
operates satisfactorily does not imply that the power point is earthed and that the
installation is completely safe. For your safety, if in any doubt about the effective
earthing of the power point, consult a qualified electrician.
and other
120 V
220 V
240 V
󳂮Moisture condensation
Moisture may form on the lens in the following conditions.
Immediately after a heater has been turned on.
In a steamy or very humid room.
When this unit is moved from a cold place to a warm one.
If moisture forms inside this unit, it may not operate properly.
In this case, turn on the power and wait about one hour for the moisture to evaporate.
󳂮If there is noise interference on the TV while a broadcast is being received.
Depending on the reception condition of the TV, interference may appear on the TV screen while you are
watching a TV broadcast and this unit is left on. This is not a malfunction of this unit or the TV. To watch a TV
broadcast, turn off this unit.
󳂮Do not transport this unit with discs left in it.
󳂮Do not place on the component such as amplifier or receiver that generates heat.
If so, the temperature inside this unit rises and malfunction may occur.
Leave a space around the unit for sufficient ventilation.
Avoid installation in extremely hot or cold locations, or in an area that is exposed to direct sunlight or heating
Keep the unit free from moisture, water, and dust.
Do not let foreign objects in the unit.
The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items, such as newspapers,
table-cloths, curtains, etc.
No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the unit.
Please be care the environmental aspects of battery disposal.
The unit shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing for use.
No objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the unit.
Do not let insecticides, benzene, and thinner come in contact with the set.
Never disassemble or modify the unit in any way.
󳂮Notes on the AC power cord.
The unit is not disconnected from the AC power source(mains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet,
even if the unit has been turned off.
When disconnecting the power cord from the wall outlet, always pull the plug, not the power cord.
Disconnect the plug from the wall outlet when not using the unit for long periods of time.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sherwood SD-860

Sherwood SD-860 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 54 pagina's

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