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Revised date: .
Issued date :Sep.19.2002
MSDS No. B-1028
Section 12. Toxicological Information
Acute Toxicity: Not expected to be acutely toxic; LD50 (oral, rat) expected to be >2000 mg/kg.
Chronic Toxicity: Not expected to be chronically toxic based on component information, volume,
concentration, and intended use.
Pure carbon black, a minor component of this ink, has been listed by LARC as group 2B
(possible carcinogen).
This classification is based on rat “lung particulate overload” studies performed with
airborne particulate carbon black.Ink is not listed by LARC, NTP,orOSHA.
Carcinogenicity: OSHA Regulated(USA): Not listed
In 1996 the LARC reevaluated carbon black as a Group 2B carcinogen (possible human
carcinogen). This evaluation is given to Carbon Black for which there is inadequate
human evidence, but sufficient animal evidence. The latter is based upon the
development of lung tumors in rats receiving chronic inhalation exposures to free
carbon black at levels that induce particle overload of the lung.
Studies performed in animal models other than rats have not demonstrated an
association between carbon black and lung tumors.
Section 13. Ecological Information
No data available.
Section 14. Disposal Consideration
This product is not a listed or hazardous waste in accordance with Federal Regulation 40 CFR Part 261. If
discarded, this product would not be a hazardous waste either by listing or by characteristic. However, it is the
responsibility of the product user to determine at the time of disposal whether a material has been
contaminated and should be classified as a hazardous waste.
In accordance with RCRA 40 CFR Section 264.314 and 265.314, the placement of any liquid in landfills is
Disposal is subject to local, state and federal regulations.
Section 15. Transport Information
DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated as hazardous material.
Section 16. Regulatory Information
All ingredients are registered under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) or underpolymer exemption.
All ingredients are exempt, registered or considered registered (polymers) under the European Inventory of
Existing Commercial Chemical Substances(EINECS/ELINCS).
Preparation not classified as dangerous (EU Directive 67/548/EEC;1999/45/EC).
All ingredients are listed on or are considered polymers under the Canadian Domestic Substances List
(DSL) or Non Domestic Substances List (NDSL).
Note of the product ingredients are listed as Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
(EPCRA)-Section 302: Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS).
None of the product components are present above the minimum quantities of listed chemicals in EPCRA
Section 313 Supplier Notification.
This product contains no known materials at levels which the State California has found to cause cancer, birth
defects or other reproductive harm - California Proposition 65.
Section 17. Other Information
Restrictions: This information relates only to the specific material designated as supplied by the manufacturer. This
information is supplied to us by the manufacturer and Sharp offers no warranties as to its accuracy and
accepts no responsibilities for any typographical errors which may appear on these sheets. It is the
responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of this product for each particular use.
Literature Reference:
LARC(1996): LARC monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Vol.65,
Printing Process and Printing Inks, Carbon Black and Some Nitro Compounds, Lyon, pp.149-261 H.Muhle,
B.Bellmann, O.Creutzenberg, C.Dasenbrock, H.Ernst, R.Kilpper, J.C.MacKenzie, P.Morrow, U.Mohr,
S.Takenaka, and R.Mermelstein(1991) Pulmonary Response to Toner upon Chronic Inhalation Exposure in
Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 17, pp.280-299

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