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Receiving Documents
key until "AUTO"
or "MANU" appears in the
AUTO reception: The fax will automatically an-
swer after four rings and receive the incoming
MANUAL reception: Lift the handset when the
fax rings. If you hear a fax tone, wait until
RECEIVING appears in the display, then hang
up (if RECEIVING doesn’t appear, press the
START key). If the calling party talks to you,
press your
START key to begin reception.
(See Pages 37-38 of your manual.)
Loading paper
1. Insert the paper tray
into the fax if not yet in-
2. Remove the paper
cover if it is on the tray.
(For legal paper, flip up
the tray externder.)
3. Pull the paper release
plate toward you.
If any paper remains in
the tray, take it out and
combine it into a single
stack with the new pa-
4. Insert the stack of
paper into the tray.
Replace the tray
cover and then push
the paper release
plate back down.
5. Press the following sequence of keys:
Press "1" if you loaded letter size paper, or
2" if you loaded legal size paper.
When finished, press:
(See pages 9-10 of your manual.)
Installing the imaging film
1. Press the release
OPEN and
open the print com-
partment cover.
2. Insert two of the
gears into the ends
of the spool with
3. Hold the empty spool
so that the end with
only one slot is on the
left, and lower the
spools into the printing
compartment so that
the gears fit into the
slots on each side of
the compartment.
4. Cut the band holding
the spools together
with scissors, and re-
move it. Insert the re-
maining gear into the
right end of the
empty spool and the
flange into the left
end of the empty
5. Pull the empty spool to-
ward the back of the
compartment, unwind-
ing the leader from the
spool with film. Insert
the empty spool into
the compartment so
that the gear and spool
fit into the slots on
each side of the com-
6. Wind the film slightly
to remove slack and
then close the
printer compartment
7. If you replaced the film, press the following
sequence of keys (this is not necessary for
the sample film included with the fax):
(See Pages 2-5 of your operation manual.)
Quick Reference Guide

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