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Date Revised:
Date Issued :May. 28, 1999
MSDS No. B-1020
S e ct i on 1 . Pr o du c t Id e nt if i ca t i on
Pro duct
: FO-47ND / DUNT-455BSCZZ (Toner Cartridge)
S e ct i on 2 . S up p li e r' s Na m e an d Ad dr e ss
Sharp Corporation
22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan
Local suppliers are listed below. Please contact the nearest supplier for additional information.
Section 3. Ingredients
Ingredients CAS No. Proportion OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits
Polyester resin (NJ TSRN 361615-5042-P) >90% Not listed Not listed None
Carbon black 1333-86-4 1 - 5% 3.5 mg/m
3.5 mg/m
TWA(Austl) : 3 mg/m
Polyolefin wax 9003-07-0 1 - 5% Not listed Not listed None
Polyolefin wax 25722-45-6 (TOTAL OF BOTH) Not listed Not listed None
Organic pigment (NJ TSRN 361615-5025-P) 1 - 5% Not listed Not listed None
S e c tion 4. H a za r d ou s Ide ntif ica tion (E mer g enc y Ov erv iew )
Toner is a fine, black powder possessing no immediate hazard. There are no anticipated carcinogenic effects
from exposure based on animal tests performed using toner. When used as intended according to instructions,
studies do not indicate any symptoms of fibrosis will occur.
S e ct i on 5 . He a lt h H a za r d D at a
Route(s) of Entry
Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion?
Yes Yes(Eye contact) Yes
Health Hazard
, LC50(g/m
/4h) : >0.74(Rats)* (This was the highest attainable concentration.)
(oral), LD50(mg/kg) : >5000 (Rats) *
, LD50 (mg/kg) : >2000 (Rats) *
Eye irritation
: Not an irritant (rabbits) *
Skin irritation
: Not an irritant (rabbits) *
Skin sensitizer
: No data available
: Negative * (AMES test)
(* = Based on data for other products with similar ingredients)
: In 1996 the IARC reevaluated carbon black as a Group 2B carcinogen (possible human carcinogen).
This classification is given to chemicals for which there is inadequate humanevidence, but sufficient ani-
mal evidence on which to base an opinion of carcinogenicity. Theclassification is based upon the devel-
opment of lung tumors in rats receiving chronic inhalationexposures to free carbon black at levels that
induce particle overload of the lung. Studiesperformed in animal models other than rats did not show
any association between carbon black and lung tumors. Moreover, a two-year cancer bioassay using a
typical toner preparation containing carbon black demonstrated no association between toner exposure
and tumor development in rats.
Chronic Effect
: Prolonged inhalation of excessive dust may cause lung damage. It is attributed tolung overloading”, a
generic response to excessive amounts of any dust retained in the lungs for a prolonged interval. Use of
this product as intended does result in inhalation of excessive dust. In a study in rats by chronic inhala-
tion exposure to a typical toner, a mild to moderate degree of lung fibrosis was observed in 92% of rats
in the high concentration (16mg/m
exposure group, and a minimal to mild degree of fibrosis was
noted in 22% of the animals in the middle (4mg/m
) exposure group. But no pulmonary change was
reported in the lowest (1mg/m
) exposure group, the most relevant level to potential human exposures.
(Country) (Name and Telephone Number)
U.S.A. Sharp Electronics Corporation
Telephone number for information: 1-800-237-4277
Emergency telephone number : 1-800-255-3924
Canada Sharp Electronics of Canada Ltd.
Telephone number for information: 905-890-2100
Emergency telephone number : 1-800-255-3924
all-FO4700.book Page 176 Friday, June 11, 1999 1:57 PM

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