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EN – 55
For 2 servings
Total cooking time: approx. 25 minutes
Utensils: Bowl with 0.5 Iitre capacity
4 Ramekin dishes (diameter approx. 8cm)
Glass tray
Steam tray
50 g Mushrooms, roughly chopped
25 g Smoked ham, finely diced
170 g Bottled asparagus (save the liquid)
1 Tomato (60g), quartered
25 g Sour cream
50 ml Asparagus liquid
1 tsp Plain flour
1 Egg yolk
1 Egg white
Salt, pepper, ground nutmeg
Butter to grease the dishes
1. Mix together in a small bowl the sour cream,
asparagus liquid, flour and seasonings. Heat on the
centre of the oven floor (position 1). Stir once during
50 sec.
Then allow the sause to cool.
2. Grease the ramekin dishes. Beat the egg white until
stiff peaks form.
Trim 5 asparagus spears per dish to about 1cm higher
than the dish. Arrange the spears around the rim of
each dish. Cut the trimmed sections into thin slices.
4. Mix the egg yolk into the cooled sauce. Add the
mushrooms, ham and asparagus slices and mix well.
Finally, fold in the egg white.
5. Spoon the mixture into the dishes to just under the
rim. Place a tomato segment on top of each. Place
the ramekin dishes into the steam tray on the glass
tray in lower position (position 2).
25 min.
STEAM HIGH Position 2
Total cooking time: approx. 35 minutes
Utensils: Shallow, oval ovenproof dish
(diameter 22cm)
Glass tray
Steam tray
50 g Smoked, streaky bacon, finely diced
50 g Onion, finely chopped
200 g Round-gram (Arborio) rice
300 ml Meat stock (cold)
70 g Grated Swiss Brinz cheese
(alternatively grated Emmentaler)
1 pinch Saffron
Salt, pepper
1. Place the diced bacon and chopped onion in the
2. Add the rice and the stock, and mix well. Place the
dish into the steam tray on the glass tray in lower
position (position 2).
35 min.
STEAM HIGH Position 2
3. Mix in the cheese and saffron and season to taste.
Tip: Accompany with sauféed chanterelle or cultivated
white mushrooms and a mixed salad.
Total cooking time: approx. 25 minutes
Utensils: 5 cups or pudding dishes
Small bowl with lid
Glass tray
Steam tray
20 g Butter or margarine
50 g Onion, finely chopped
About 500 ml Milk
200 g Dried bread cubes
(from about 5 bread rolls)
3 Eggs
Butter to grease the cup
1. Place the butter and the onion into the small bowl
and cover. Place the bowl on the centre of the oven
floor (position 1) and cook.
approx. 2 min.
2. Cut the bread rolls into rough cubes, cover with the
milk and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Beat the eggs.
3. Mix the onion, eggs and softened bread to a smooth
dough. Add a little more milk if neccessary.
4. Lightly grease the cups with butter and divide the
dough equally among 5 cups. Place the cups into the
steam tray on the glass tray in lower position (position
2) and cook.
25 min.
STEAM HIGH Position 2
Allow the dumplings to stand for about 5 minutes in
the oven without opening the door.
5. Turn the dumplings out onto a plate to serve.
AX-1110(IN)W_eng.indd 55AX-1110(IN)W_eng.indd 55 8/13/2013 3:39:52 PM8/13/2013 3:39:52 PM

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