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Caution label on the machine
The label ( ) in the fusing area of the machine indicates the following:
: Caution, risk of danger
: Caution, hot surface
Cautions on using the machine
Follow the cautions below when using this machine.
The fusing area is hot. Exercise care in this area when removing misfed paper.
Do not look directly at the light source. Doing so may damage your eyes.
Do not switch the machine rapidly on and off. After turning the machine off, wait 10
to 15 seconds before turning it back on.
Machine power must be turned off before installing any supplies.
Place the machine on a firm, level surface.
Do not install the machine in a humid or dusty location.
When the machine is not used for a long time, for example for consecutive
holidays, turn the power switch off and remove the power cord from the outlet.
When moving the machine, be sure to turn the power switch off and remove the
power cord from the outlet.
Do not cover the machine with a dust cover, cloth or plastic film while the power is
on. Doing so may prevent heat radiation, damaging the machine.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
The socket-outlet shall be installed near the machine and shall be easily
Important points when selecting an installation site
Do not install your machine in areas that are:
damp, humid, or very dusty
exposed to direct sunlight
poorly ventilated
subject to extreme temperature or humidity changes, e.g., near an air conditioner
or heater.
Be sure to allow the required space around the
machine for servicing and proper ventilation.
8" (20cm)

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