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Hand Vacuum With Motorized Brush
Style # XF1510
for Model V1510
HEPA Filter
Hand Vacuum With Motorized Brush
Style # XF1510
for Model V1510
HEPA Filter
CAUTION: Be sure to turn the On/Off switch to the "OFF"
position and disconnect the power cord from
the wall outlet before cleaning the filters.
CAUTION: Be sure to turn the On/Off switch to the "OFF"
position and disconnect the power cord from
the wall outlet before cleaning the filters.
Depending on usage and conditions, the HEPA filter lasts 3 to 6 months;
however, vacuuming large amounts of extremely fine dust, powder or
similar material over a long period of time may decrease airflow
performance through the filter. If this occurs, it may become necessary to
replace the HEPA Filter. Only use genuine SHARK replacement filters.
Depending on usage and conditions, the HEPA filter lasts 3 to 6 months;
however, vacuuming large amounts of extremely fine dust, powder or
similar material over a long period of time may decrease airflow
performance through the filter. If this occurs, it may become necessary to
replace the HEPA Filter. Only use genuine SHARK replacement filters.
Cleaning & Changing the HEPA Dust Cup Filter Cleaning & Changing the HEPA Dust Cup Filter
Important: Do NOT use the HEPA filter
cartridge without the debris screen in
Important: Do NOT use the HEPA filter
cartridge without the debris screen in
1. To remove the dust cup (container),
hold the unit in the upright position
to prevent the dust from falling out
of the dust cup. (See illustration below.)
1. To remove the dust cup (container),
hold the unit in the upright position
to prevent the dust from falling out
of the dust cup. (See illustration below.)
Warning: After each Use - Always
remove the Filter Debris Screen from the
HEPA Dust Cup Filter, then vigorously
TapClean” HEPA Filter until no more
dust can be removed.
Warning: After each Use - Always
remove the Filter Debris Screen from the
HEPA Dust Cup Filter, then vigorously
TapClean” HEPA Filter until no more
dust can be removed.
, Please Note : The
“TapClean” HEPA Dust Cup Filter &
Debris Screen will stop most of the tiniest
dust particles from re-entering the air you
breathe. In fact it stops 99.97% of all
particles as small as 0.3 microns - many
times smaller than a human hair!!!
Because of this incredible filtration
performance, the HEPA Dust Cup Filter
will quickly accumulate, inside the white
filter folds, many fine dust particles that
are difficult to see but which will eventually
block or reduce your suction power - if not
cleaned properly. Clean the HEPA Filter
and Debris Screen after each use as
described in this section.
, Please Note : The
“TapClean” HEPA Dust Cup Filter &
Debris Screen will stop most of the tiniest
dust particles from re-entering the air you
breathe. In fact it stops 99.97% of all
particles as small as 0.3 microns - many
times smaller than a human hair!!!
Because of this incredible filtration
performance, the HEPA Dust Cup Filter
will quickly accumulate, inside the white
filter folds, many fine dust particles that
are difficult to see but which will eventually
block or reduce your suction power - if not
cleaned properly. Clean the HEPA Filter
and Debris Screen after each use as
described in this section.
2. To open the Dust Cup (container),
push button and remove the Dust
Cup (container ). (See illustration
2. To open the Dust Cup (container),
push button and remove the Dust
Cup (container ). (See illustration
Dust cup release button Dust cup release button

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Andere handleiding(en) van Shark V1510

Shark V1510 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 5 pagina's

Shark V1510 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Français, Espanõl - 6 pagina's

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