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LED's light
WEEE NL: 3505
WEEE DE: 37281017
WEEE AT: 40133
Imported by
Kanaal Noord 350
NL-7323 AM Apeldoorn
LED's light
Installation and Operating Manual
Packaging contents
1x LED bulk eye
2x mounting screws
1x manual
General safety instructions
Please read the operating instructions for the LED luminaire before use. The
operating instructions are part of the product. They contain important notes on
start-up and handling of the device. Always keep the enclosed operating inst-
ructions so as to be able to look up information. They must be enclosed when
passing the device on to third parties.
Safety precautions
The user must observe the safety notes and warnings in order to maintain
this status and to ensure safe operation. Please read the operating instruc-
tions before start up.
Never attempt to open the device other than described in this manual. The
LED luminaire cannot be repaired; this part must be immediately disposed
in case of a defect. Ensure sufcient ventilation of the device. Never cover it
during operation. Do not install in reach of children or animals.
Any other use of the device than described above can damage the product
or endanger the user due to e. g. short-circuits, re or an electric shock. The
entire product may not be modied or adapted.
These safety notes must be observed in all cases! Any warranty claim
is void in the case of damages caused by non-observance of these
operating instructions. We are not liable for consequential damages or
for damages to property or persons caused by non-observance of the
safety notes and improper operation of the device.
Safe operation is not possible anymore, if:
- the LED luminaire has visible damages,
- the LED luminaire does not work anymore
Installation instructions
- Installation only by persons with electro technical knowledge and
- Use cable which is suitable for outdoor use (if mounted outside).
- Do not use a dimmer to operate this luminaire
Notes on Disposal
Old units, marked with the symbol as illustra-
ted, may not be disposed of in the household
You must take them to a collection point for old
units (enquire at your local authority) or the dealer from
whom you bought them. These agencies will ensure en-
vironmentally friendly disposal.
Care and warranty
Before cleaning the unit, disconnect it if necessary from
other components; do not use aggressive cleaning agents.
The unit has been carefully checked for defects. If never-
theless you do have cause for complaint, please go back
to the retailer where you have bought the product together
with your proof of purchase. We offer 2 year warranty from
date of purchase. We are not liable for damage arising from
incorrect handling, improper use or wear and tear. We re-
serve the right to make technical modications.
Visit us online at www.shada.nl for more information about
our products and our company.
CE declaration
This product is according next directives:
LVD 2014/35/EU
EMC 2014/30/EU
RoHS 2011/65/EU
Art no:
Power (W)
Input voltage
Lumen output
Color temp. (K)
Lifespan (h)
Beam angle
Dimensions (mm)
800400 800401 800402 800403 800404 800405 800406 800407
7 10 7 10
230V AC 230V AC 230V AC 230V AC
550 850 550 850
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
115° 115° 115° 115°
ø 174,5 x 58,5 ø 209 x 58,5 198,5 x 99 x 56 228 x 105,5 x 56

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