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1) Coverage:
Claims can be validly made only upo n presentation of proof of purchase through
an invoice or receipt.
2) Application:
The present warranty enters into effect on the date of delivery to the user.
3) Period of validity:
2 years warranty for the device - 90 days for the accessories (componen ts of the
4) Validity of warranty:
a) Without prejudice as to the legal guarantee according to article 1641ff of the civil code, the products
are under warranty if used according to the directions included in the instructions.
b) The warranty is valid only for the first user conditionally to the device being used wisely and under
normal conditions, i.e. suitable for the product.
c) The warranty covers all repairs and/or replacements of components and accessories which are
recognized as being defe ctive by our technical department, without any granting of damages.
d) The performance of the obligations resulting from the warranty does not entail an extension or
renewal of the warranty period, except in case of components which are replaced and which fall under
the legal guarantee (i.e. in case of exchange or repair under warranty, the period will be neither
extended nor renewed. In this case, the warranty and the period of the first warranty will remain
5) Damages not covered:
As the device is recognized as being in good working condition and without noticeable defect, THE
Transport costs, nor charges relating to an intervention at the address of the purchaser. Scratches,
splinters or marks in the packag ing of the device or its accessories which were not noted at the time of
delivery / breakable accessories, except in case of manufacturing defects recognized by our technical
department. Moreover, we wave any liability for general damages resulting from a defect in the
functioning of our devices and which are not relating to the devices themselves. This will in no case
entitle to any indemnification for damages caused to disks because of a halt of the device.
6) Excemptions from the warranty are the following:
Interventions due to a faulty installation or connection / a failure in the electrical installation of the
premises or vehicle or of nominal values provided for the supply of the device / a wrong manipulation
or bad use by the user, insufficient or i ncorrect maintenance / a fall of or a blow to the device or an
accessory / a lack of protection of the device and its accessories at the time of the transport by or for
account of the user.
7) The warranty is cancelled:
For devices and accessories having been repaired or altered by persons not authorized by us or
whose manufacturing number was altered or deleted.
8) For repairs: Please contact your retailer.
9) For any disputes or litigation: The law courts of Luxembourg are exclusively competent.
10) For all information: SEVIC SYSTEMS Luxembourg S.A.
Zone Industrielle Breedewues
L-1259 Senningerberg (Luxembourg)
Phone: (+352) 26 34 57 29 Fax: (+352) 26 34 57 27
Email: svc@sevic.com Web site : www.sevic.com
Warranty Terms and Conditions

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