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content, the juices are best drunk fresh, ie
immediately after extraction.
To store, place the fresh juice in the
refrigerator in a covered container.
It is advisable to use glass or plastic
containers, since metal containers might
affect the taste.
After cleaning, cut up the fruit or
vegetable so that it fits down the feeder
tube. Before extracting juice from fruit or
vegetables with stones, please remove
any stones to prevent damage to the
appliance; in addition, removing the
cores optimises the juice extraction.
The following fruits and vegetables are
not suitable for juice extraction: figs,
grapes, avocados, aubergines,
raspberries, blackberries, currants,
elderberries, rhubarb, blueberries,
cranberries, beetroot etc.
Tomatoes should be lightly carved in
with a knife before juice extraction.
Bananas should be added for aromatic
purposes only, as very little juice can be
Short-time operation
The appliance has been designed for short-
term operation only, i.e. it should not be
operated continuously for more than 1
minute. Switch off the appliance afterwards
and allow the motor to cool down for a few
minutes before switching it on again.
Before using for the first time
Before the appliance is used for the first
time, it must be cleaned as described in
the section General Care and Cleaning.
The appliance is equipped with a 3-position
0 appliance switched off
I slow juice extraction
II fast juice extraction
We recommend starting extraction with the
slow setting and switching to the faster
setting only when necessary.
Place the juice outlet insert onto the drive
Fit the filter and grating plate insert in the
outlet insert and push the insert down
until it is heard locking into place. It is
essential that the filter is properly locked;
otherwise, if it is not correctly connected
to the drive shaft, damage may occur
during operation.
Place the pulp container underneath the
pulp outlet.
Place the transparent lid onto the outlet
insert and use the two locking clamps to
lock the lid to the base; this will activate
the safety switch.
Place a suitable container directly
underneath the juice outlet.
Insert the plug into the wall outlet and set
the switch to the required setting.
Feed the cleaned and pre-cut fruit or
vegetable pieces down the feeder tube
while the unit is running. Use the pestle
and lightly push the pieces down.
Excessive pressure may result in damage
to the motor or grating plate!
When processing large quantities of fruit
or vegetables, the pulp container and
juice container must be emptied from
time to time as necessary.
After use, switch the appliance off and
remove the plug from the wall socket.
General Care and Cleaning
Always remove the plug from the wall
socket and allow the appliance to cool
down before cleaning.
Please note: the filter and grating insert
has sharp projections, and the integral
blade in the feeder chute is extremely
sharp; take special care when handling
these parts to avoid injury.
Do not use abrasives, harsh cleaning
solutions or hard brushes for cleaning.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not
clean the drive unit with water and do
not immerse it in water.
The drive unit may be wiped with a

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