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Short-time operation
e appliance is designed to process average
domestic quantities of food. It should not
be operated continuously for more than 5
minutes. Switch o the appliance a erwards
and allow the motor to cool down.
Switch settings for hand blender operation
When mixing light and liquid mixtures or
when stirring in any ingredients, the lower
speed settings should be used.
Use the medium and high speed settings for
stirring and kneading.
For heavy dough mixtures, the maximum z
setting must be used.
Turbo function
Maximum speed may be obtained by pressing
down the turbo button, regardless of the
speed level selected.
General information
Depending on the quantity of ingredients,
use a su ciently deep bowl.
Any bowl, round container or glass is
suitable, provided it is scratch-proof and
the attachments can rotate freely inside.
A er tting the attachments, take the
mixer into your hand and position the
attachments inside the container  lled
with the ingredients.
Use your thumb to operate the switches.
When you have  nished mixing or if you
wish to interrupt the operation, switch o
rst before li ing the attachments out of
the mixture.
For light and liquid mixtures such as crèmes,
mashed potatoes, egg white or cream, insert
one or both beaters into the openings on the
underside of the mixer and push them gently
upwards until they lock into place.
Dough hooks
For kneading dough, the dough hooks must
be used.  e hook with the integrated plate
must be inserted into the larger opening.
Ejecting the attachments
e beaters or dough hooks are automatically
detached when depressing both eject
General cleaning and care
Before cleaning the appliance, ensure it is z
disconnected from the power supply and
has cooled down completely.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, do z
not clean the appliance with water and
do not immerse it in water.
Do not use abrasives or harsh cleaning z
solutions for cleaning.
e housing may be wiped with a slightly
damp, lint-free cloth.
e beaters and dough hooks may be
cleaned using hot water and a mild
detergent, or in a dish-washer.
Do not dispose of old or defective
appliances in domestic garbage;
this should only be done through
public collection points.
is product is guaranteed against defects
in materials and workmanship for a period
of three years from the date of purchase.
Under this guarantee the manufacturer
undertakes to repair or replace any parts
found to be defective, providing the product
is returned to one of our authorised service
centres.  is guarantee is only valid if the
appliance has been used in accordance with
the instructions, and provided that it has not
been modi ed, repaired or interfered with
by any unauthorised person, or damaged
through misuse.
is guarantee naturally does not cover wear
and tear, nor breakables such as glass and
ceramic items, bulbs etc.  is guarantee does
not a ect your statutory rights, nor any legal
rights you may have as a consumer under

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