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Citrus fruit juicer
Dear Customer,
Before using the appliance, please read the
following instructions carefully and keep this
manual for future reference.  e appliance
must only be used by persons familiar with
these instructions.
Connection to the mains supply
Make sure that the supply voltage
corresponds with the voltage marked on the
rating label.  is product complies with all
binding CE labelling directives.
1. Dust cover
2. Juicer dome, large
3. Juicer dome, small
4. Pulp sieve
5. Drive sha
6. Juice container
7. Power cord
8. Base unit
9. Power cord storage (in the base)
Important safety instructions
is appliance may be used by children
(at least 8 years of age) provided they have
been given supervision or instruction
concerning the use of the appliance and
fully understand all dangers and safety
precautions involved. Children must not
be permitted to carry out any cleaning
or maintenance work on the appliance
unless they are supervised and at least 8
years of age.  e appliance and its power
cord must be kept well away from children
under 8 at all times.
e appliance may only be used by
persons with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lacking experience
and knowledge, if they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning the
use of the appliance and fully understand
all dangers and safety precautions
Children must not be permitted to play
with the appliance.
Caution: Keep any packaging materials
well away from children – these are
a potential source of danger, e.g. of
su ocation.
Before the appliance is used, the main
body as well as any attachments  tted
should be checked thoroughly for any
defects. If the appliance, for instance, has
been dropped onto a hard surface, it must
no longer be used: even invisible damage
may have adverse e ects on its operational
e power cord should be regularly
examined for any signs of damage. In the
event of such damage being found, the
appliance must no longer be used.
Do not allow the unit or its power cord to
touch hot surfaces or come into contact
with any heat sources.
Do not leave the appliance unattended
while connected. Always remove the plug
from the wall socket, even if you leave the
room only for a short while
Always remove the plug from the wall
- before assembling or disassembling
the appliance,
- in case of any malfunction,
- a er use,
- before cleaning the appliance.
When removing the plug from the wall
socket, never pull on the power cord. Do
not let the power cord hang free.
Do not use the appliance with any
attachments other than those provided by
the manufacturer.
Caution: Any misuse can cause severe
personal injury.
No responsibility will be accepted if
damage results from improper use, or if
these instructions are not complied with.
is appliance is intended for domestic or
similar applications, such as
- in shops, o ces and other similar
working environments,

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