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Important safety instructions
2 | MM 500-X
Important safety instructions
̈ Read this instruction manual carefully and completely before using the
̈ Always include this instruction manual when passing the product on to
third parties.
̈ Do not use an obviously defective product.
Preventing damage to health and accidents
̈ Do not listen at high volume levels for long periods of time to prevent
hearing damage.
̈ Always maintain a distance of at least 3.94“ (10 cm) between the ear
cups and the cardiac pacemaker or implanted defibrillator since the
product generates permanent magnetic fields.
̈ Keep the product, accessory and packaging parts out of reach of chil-
dren and pets who could swallow smaller pieces.
̈ Do not use the product in an environment that requires your special
attention (e.g. in traffic).
Preventing damage to the product and malfunctions
̈ Always keep the product dry and do not expose it to extreme temper-
atures (hairdryer, heater, extended exposure to sunlight, etc.) to avoid
corrosion or deformation.
̈ Only clean the product with a soft, dry cloth.
̈ Switch off the product after use to conserve battery power. Remove the
battery pack if the product will not be used for extended periods of
̈ Only use the product in environments where wireless Bluetooth
mission is permitted.
̈ Only use attachments/accessories supplied or recommended by
Intended use
The MM 500-X is a wireless Bluetooth headset that works with mobile
phones or other Bluetooth devices/Bluetooth compliant devices and
allows for wireless music enjoyment or calls.
“Improper use” means using the product
other than as described in this instruction manual,
under operating conditions which differ from those described in this
instruction manual.

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