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Adjusting the Balance of Meter
While every effort has been made to ensure the most accurate standard
calibrations as applied by SEKONIC for your DIGI MASTER, provision has
been made for an adjustment of approximately ± 1EV by correcting the
setting of the dial on the underside of the swivel head. It is recommended
that you test the meter fully in actual photographic conditions before
adjusting it to suit your preference.
(1) Carefully apply a screwdriver to the
slot in the dial on the underside of
the swivel head and turn it gently.
(2) If you turn the dial clockwise, you
can increase the index which
reduces exposure when
(3) If you turn the dial counter-clokwise,
you can reduce the index which
increases exposure when
Do not touch this dial unless you
make an adjustment.
Care of the Meter
DIGI MASTER is a high-precision instrument containing delicate electronic parts
and components, and you are recommended to handle the meter with due care.
Avoid dropping or shocking the meter.
Don't store the meter in high temperature or high humidity locations.
Keep Lumisphare and Lumidisc clean and free from scratches.
To avoid unnecessary battery drain, keep the meter switched off unless actually in
use. When not using the meter for a week or more, remove the batteries from the
meter in order to prevent any internal damage arising from battery leakage.
However note that the memory settings are tossed when the battery is removed.
Operating temperature : 0°C ~ (+)40°C
Storage temperature : (-)20°C ~ (+)60°C
In the event that servicing is required, contact your nearest service agency. When you
send the meter to service agency by ordinary mail, it should be carefully packed in a
carton box using some shock
absorbing material at least 3cm in thickness.

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