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1. Read warnings in manual (pages iv - vii).
2. If you have any questions after reading this manual or
problems regarding the SeaLife digital camera, housing or
accessories follow these instructions:
Do not contact dealer; do this:
Check trouble shooting guide in this manual or on the SeaLife
website www.sealife-cameras.com
If this does not solve the problem contact SeaLife Customer
Service: USA (856) 866-9192. For other countries, contact the
Sealife national distributor. For a complete list, see the above
3. Use only the following AA batteries:
SeaLife Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) 1600mAh or higher
rechargeable batteries. Carefully follow charging instructions.
Lithium non-rechargeable batteries. Lithium batteries last the
longest of all batteries but they are expensive and they are
not rechargeable.
We do not recommend using Alkaline batteries due to their
short battery life, however new high-energy alkaline batteries,
like Duracell Ultra, have a longer battery life and can be used
with the SeaLife digital camera. Even high-energy alkaline
batteries do not last as long as SeaLife Ni-MH batteries. Do
not use standard alkaline batteries.
Replace batteries when battery power status indicator on
camera is down one bar.
Turn camera power or LCD monitor OFF when not using
camera to preserve battery power.
Always use freshly charged batteries. Batteries can discharge
at room temperature up to 10% per day. Store batteries in
plastic bag or container in refrigerator or cool, dry place.
4. Follow the correct computer connect sequence to download
pictures: (Only for Windows 98 you need to install the driver
using the enclosed CD. You need to install the Photo Suite
Imaging Software only if you do not want to use your existing
picture editing software).
First power up computer and connect USB cable to
Turn camera power ON.
Turn Operating mode dial to PC.
ONLY THEN connect USB cable to camera.
Locate pictures in “Removable disk (:)” under “My Computer.”
Some operating systems may require a few minutes before
the camera connection is established.
5. Use only the following brands of Compact Flash memory
SeaLife, SanDisk, Kingston, Lexar, Ritek and Pretec
(registered trademarks of respective companies).
6. Keep main O-Rings and housing perfectly clean.
Clean housing and main O-rings with fresh water after
every use.
Do not remove O-rings. Do not grease.
Store camera and housing only after careful cleaning and
when totally dry.
7. Never let any moisture or dirt get inside housing when
Only open and load the housing in dry cool air, such as inside
an air-conditioned room.
8. For good underwater pictures you need:
Clear water conditions.
Control your buoyancy before taking picture.
Get as close as possible to subject (ideal distance is 2’ to 6’).
Make it a habit to use the SeaLife Macro Lens/Filter for
superb details and vibrant colors.
For best underwater pictures, use External Flashes and
snap-on Macro or wide-angle lenses.
PIONEERmanREV 11/19/01 6:00 PM Page ii

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SeaLife DC-200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 33 pagina's

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