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4. Intended use
The machine meets the currently valid EU machine
Before starting any work, all protective and safety de-
vices must be in place.
These hedge clippers have been designed to cut soft,
freshly grown hedge material. They are not suitable for
cutting branches, tough wood or other material to be
The machine has been designed to be operated by
one person.
The operator is responsible for third parties in the area
of operations.
All safety and hazard notices on the machine must be
All safety and hazard notices on the machine must be
kept in a completely legible condition.
Use the machine in a technically awless condition
only, as well as for its intended purpose, in a safe man-
ner and being aware of dangers, in compliance with
the operating instructions!
Disruptions which can a󰀨ect safety in particular must
be eliminated straight away!
The manufacturer’s safety, operation and mainte-
nance instructions as well as the technical data given
in the calibrations and dimensions must be adhered
Relevant accident prevention regulations and other
generally recognized safety and technical rules must
also be adhered to.
The machine may only be used, maintained or re-
paired by trained persons who are familiar with the
machine and have been informed about the dangers.
Unauthorized modications of the machine exclude
a liability of the manufacturer for damages resulting
from the modications.
The machine is intended for use only with original
spare parts and original tools from the producer.
Any other use is considered to be not intended. The
manufacturer excludes any liability for resulting dam-
ages, the risk is exclusively borne by the user.
The hedge trimmer may be used only for cutting
hedges, bushes and shrubs. Alternative use not spe-
cied in these instructions can damage the hedge
trimmer or severely injure the user. Therefore, it is ex-
plicitly excluded from the list of possible uses.
The device must not be used for commercial, techni-
cal or industrial applications.
If you are not sure whether working conditions are
safe or unsafe, do not work with the machine.
The pole-mounted pruner is designed for lopping o󰀨
tree branches. It is not suitable for extensive sawing
work, felling trees or sawing any materials other than
WARNING! For your own safety, please thoroughly
read this manual and the general safety instructions
before turning the device on. If you give the device
to third parties, always include these instructions.
The equipment is allowed to be used only for its
prescribed purpose. Any other use is deemed to be a
case of misuse. The user/operator and not the manu-
facturer will be liable for any damage or injuries of any
kind resulting from such misuse.
5. Important information
General safety instructions for electric tools
m CAUTION: Read all safety regulations and instruc-
tions. Any failures made in following the safety regulati-
ons and instructions may result in an electric shock, re
and/or serious injury.
Keep all safety regulations and instructions in a safe
place for future use.
The term “electric tool” used in the safety instructions
refers to electric tools operated from the mains power
supply (with a power cable) and to battery operated elec-
tric tools (without a power cable).
1 Workplace safety
Keep your work area clean and well illuminated. Untidy
or unlit work areas can result in accidents.
Do not operate the electric tool in an environment whe-
re there is a risk of explosions and where there are
inammable liquids, gases or dust. Electric tools pro-
duce sparks which could set the dust or vapours alight.
Keep the electric tool out of the reach of children and
other persons. If there is a distraction, you may lose
control of the appliance.
2 Electrical safety
The connector plug from this electric tool must t into
the socket. The plug should never be altered in any
way. Never use adapter plugs together with earthed
electric tools. Unaltered plugs and correct sockets re-
duce the risk of an electric shock.
Avoid bodily contact with earthed surfaces such as
pipes, heating, ovens and fridges. The risk of electric
shock is increased if your body is earthed.
Keep the tool out of the rain and away from moisture.
The ingress of water into an electric tool increases the
risk of an electric shock.
Do not use the cable to carry the electric tool, to hang
it up or to pull it out of the socket. Keep the cable away
from heat, oil, sharp edges and moving parts of the
appliance. Damaged or entangled cables increase the
risk of an electric shock.
If you are working outdoors with an electric tool, only
use extension cables which are designed specically
for this purpose. Using specially designed outdoor ex-
tension cables, the risk of electric shock is reduced.
If operation of the electric tool in a damp environment
can not be avoided, use a earthleakage circuit-breaker.
The earth-leakage circuit-breaker reduces the risk of
an electric shock.

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