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Tool removal (Fig. 4)
Pull back and hold the locking sleeve (2) and remove
the tool.
Dust collection device (Fig. 5)
Slide the dust collection device (a) over the drill bit be-
fore carrying out any hammer drilling vertically above
your head.
Starting up
To prevent all danger, the machine must only be
held using the two handles. Otherwise there may
be a risk of suffering an electric shock if you drill
into cables.
Switching on and off (Fig. 1)
To switch on: Press the control switch (4).
To switch off: Release the control switch (4).
Setting the operating mode (Fig.6)
The operating mode of the power tool is selected with
the mode selector switch
Note: Change the operating mode only when the
machine is switched off! Otherwise, the machine can
be damaged.
– Turn the mode selector switch to the requested
Position for hammer drilling (A): When the drilling
tool does not immediately rotate upon switching on,
allow the machine to run slowly until the drilling tool
Vario-Lock (B) position for adjustment of the
chiselling position
Position for chiselling (C)
Only low pressure is required for hammer dril-
ling. Excessive pressure will exert an unnecessary
force on the motor. Check the drill bits at regular
intervals. Sharpen or replace blunt drill bits.
Replacing the power cable
If the power cable for this equipment is damaged, it
must be replaced by the manufacturer or its aftersales
service or similarly trained personnel to avoid danger.
Cleaning and maintenance
Always pull out the mains power plug before starting
any cleaning work.
Keep all safety devices, air vents and the motor
housing free of dirt and dust as far as possible. Wipe
the equipment with a clean cloth or blow it with com-
pressed air at low pressure.
We recommend that you clean the device immediately
each time you have nished using it.
Clean the equipment regularly with a moist cloth and
some soft soap. Do not use cleaning agents or sol-
vents; these could attack the plastic parts of the equip-
ment. Ensure that no water can seep into the device.
Carbon brushes
In case of excessive sparking, have the carbon brushes
checked only by a qualied electrician. Important! The
carbon brushes should not be replaced by anyone but
a qualied electrician
There are no parts inside the equipment which require
additional maintenance.
Disposal and recycling
The unit is supplied in packaging to prevent its being
damaged in transit. This packaging is raw material and
can therefore be reused or can be returned to the raw
material system.
The unit and its accessories are made of various types
of material, such as metal and plastic. Defective com-
ponents must be disposed of as special waste. Ask your
dealer or your local council.
Store the equipment and accessories out of children’s
reach in a dark and dry place at above freezing tempe-
rature. The ideal storage temperature is between 5 and
30 °C. Store the electric tool in its original packaging.

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