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The power cord can be stored sideways
of the compressor.
The air hose can be stored in the tool
Transport (g. 5)
The unit can be transported with the han-
dle (1).
12. Disposal and recycling
The equipment is supplied in packaging to
prevent it from being damaged in transit.
The raw materials in this packaging can be
reused or recycled. The equipment and its
accessories are made of various types of
material, such as metal and plastic. Defec-
tive components must be disposed of as
special waste. Ask your dealer or your lo-
cal council.
Old devices must not be disposed of
with household waste!
This symbol indicates that this prod-
uct must not be disposed of together
with domestic waste in compliance
with the Directive (2012/19/EU) pertaining
to waste electrical and electronic equip-
ment (WEEE). This product must be dis-
posed of at a designated collection point.
This can occur, for example, by handing it
in at an authorised collecting point for the
recycling of waste electrical and electron-
ic equipment. Improper handling of waste
equipment may have negative conse-
quences for the environment and human
health due to potentially hazardous sub-
stances that are often contained in electri-
cal and electronic equipment.
We recommend that you clean the
equipment immediately after you use it.
Clean the equipment regularly with a
damp cloth and some soft soap. Do not
use cleaning agents or solvents; these
may be aggressive to the plastic parts in
the equipment. Ensure that no water can
get into the interior of the equipment.
You must disconnect the hose and any
spraying tools from the compressor be-
fore cleaning. Do not clean the compres-
sor with water, solvents or the like.
Service information
Please note that the following parts of this
product are subject to normal or natural
wear and that the following parts are there-
fore also required for use as consumables.
Wear parts*: belt, coupling
* Not necessarily included in the scope of
m Important!
Pull out the mains plug and ventilate
the equipment and all connected pneu-
matic tools.
Switch o󰀨 the compressor and make
sure that it is secured in such a way
that it cannot be started up again by
any unauthorized person.
m Important!
Store the compressor only in a dry lo-
cation which is not accessible to un-
authorized persons. Always store up-
right, never tilted!
Storage (g. 1, 2)
Storage power cord, hose and accessories.

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