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18. Replacing the power cable
- To prevent hazards, leave the replace-
ment of damaged power cables strict-
ly to the manufacturer or a qualied
electrician. There is a risk of electric
19. Inating tires
-ATTENTION! The manometer has not
been o󰀩cially calibrated! Directly after
inating tires, check the pressure with
a suitable pressure gauge, for exam-
ple at your lling station.
20. Roadworthy compressors for build-
ing site operations
- Make sure that all lines and ttings are
suitable for the maximum permissible
operating pressure of the compressor.
21. Place of installation
- Set up the compressor on an even
22. Attention!
- This device can be used by children
from 8 years of age as well as by per-
sons with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities or with a lack
of experience or knowledge, if they
are supervised or if they have been
trained in the safe use of the device
and understand the resultant hazards.
- Children may not play with the device.
- Cleaning and maintenance may not be
carried out by children.
23. Supply hoses at pressures above 7 bar
should be equipped with a safety cable
(e.g. a wire rope).
24. Avoid over-stressing the piping system
by using exible hose connections to
prevent kinking.
intended prior to continued use of the
electric tool.
- Check whether the moving parts
function faultlessly and do not jam or
whether parts are damaged. All parts
must be correctly mounted and all
conditions must be fullled to ensure
fault-free operation of the electric tool.
- Damaged protective devices and parts
must be properly repaired or replaced
by a recognised workshop, insofar as
nothing di󰀨erent is specied in the op-
erating manual.
- Damaged switches must be replaced
at a customer service workshop.
- Do not use any faulty or damaged con-
nection cables.
- Do not use any electric tool on which the
switch cannot be switched on and o󰀨.
15. Have your electric tool repaired by a
qualied electrician
- This electric tool conforms to the ap-
plicable safety regulations. Repairs
may only be performed by an electri-
cian using original spare parts. Other-
wise accidents can occur.
16. Important!
- For your own safety you must only
use the accessories and additional
units listed in the operating instruc-
tions or recommended or specied by
the manufacturer. The use of mount-
ed tools or accessories other than
those recommended in the operating
instructions or catalog may place your
personal safety at risk.
17. Noise
- Wear ear mu󰀨s when you use the

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