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ties in accordance with the recommenda-
The operating instructions contain impor-
tant information on how to operate the ma-
chine safely, professionally and economi-
cally, how to avoid danger, costly repairs,
reduce downtimes and how to increase
reliability and service life of the machine.
In addition to the safety regulations in the
operating instructions, you have to meet
the applicable regulations that apply for
the operation of the machine in your coun-
try. Keep the operating instructions pack-
age with the machine at all times and store
it in a plastic cover to protect it from dirt
and moisture. Read the instruction manual
each time before operating the machine
and carefully follow its information. The
machine can only be operated by persons
who were instructed concerning the oper-
ation of the machine and who are informed
about the associated dangers. The min-
imum age requirement must be complied
In addition to the safety notices contained
in this operating manual and the particu-
lar instructions for your country, the gen-
erally recognised technical regulations for
the operation of identical devices must be
complied with.
We accept no liability for damage or acci-
dents which arise due to non-observance
of these instructions and the safety infor-
1. Introduction
Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschi-
nen GmbH
Günzburger Straße 69
D-89335 Ichenhausen
Dear Customer,
we hope your new tool brings you much
enjoyment and success.
According to the applicable product liabil-
ity laws, the manufacturer of the device
does not assume liability for damages to
the product or damages caused by the
product that occurs due to:
Improper handling,
Non-compliance of the operating in-
Repairs by third parties, not by author-
ized service technicians,
Installation and replacement of non-orig-
inal spare parts,
Application other than specied,
A breakdown of the electrical system
that occurs due to the non-compliance
of the electric regulations and VDE regu-
lations 0100, DIN 57113 / VDE0113.
We recommend:
Read through the complete text in the op-
erating instructions before installing and
commissioning the device. The operating
instructions are intended to help the user
to become familiar with the machine and
take advantage of its application possibili-

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