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The house owner is responsible for ensuring that all necessary natio-
nal and local safety measures are observed during installation and
fitting and also responsible for observing the fitting and operating
instructions detailed in this manual.
When you install any kind of fireplace or stove, you must inform the
local authorities. You are also responsible for calling in a chimney
sweep to inspect and authorize the installation.
To ensure best-possible functionality and safety for your installation,
we advise you to call a professional fitter. Our Scan Dealer will be able
to recommend a qualified fitter in your area. For information on Scan
Dealers, please go to www.scan.dk.
Any changes made to the product by the dealer, installer or user
could result in the product and safety functions not functioning
as intended. The same applies to the fitting of accessories or extra
equipment not supplied by Scan A/S. This could also be the case if
parts that are necessary for the operation and safety of the stove are
dismantled or removed.
Technical data and dimensions
Materials: steel plate, cast iron, galvanised sheet, skamol
Surface treatment: Senotherm
Max. wood length: 45 cm
Flue outlet: Top
Weight: 210 kg
Connecting piece internal diameter: 175 mm
Connecting piece external diameter: 179 mm
Approval type: Intermittent fuelling
Test in compliance with EN 13229
CO Emission at 13% O
: 0,09% 1142 mg/Nm
Dust @ 13% O
: 31 mg/Nm
@ 13% O
: 101 mg/Nm
Efficiency: 80%
Energy efficiency index: 107
Energy efficiency class: A+
Nominel output: 9 kW
Chimney temperature EN 13229: 213 °C
Temperature in connecting piece: 280 °C
Amount of smoke: 9,5 g/sek
Sub-pressure EN 13229: 12 Pa
Recommended sub-pressure in connecting piece: 16-20 Pa
Required combustion air supply: 25,9 Nm
Fuel: Wood
Fuel consumption: 2,8 Kg/h
Amount of fuel: 2,3 kg
Intermittent fuelling means normal use of a woodstove. In other
words, you should let the fire die down until only the embers are left,
before refuelling.
The Scan DSA 12 was build in compliance with the homologized pro-
duct type specified in the Assembly- and Instructions Manual provi-
ded with the product.
The DoP declaration of conformity is available from scan.dk

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Andere handleiding(en) van Scan DSA 12

Scan DSA 12 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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