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3-8. Mounting
(1) To install the indoor unit, mount the indoor unit
onto the 2 tabs on the upper part of the rear plate.
(2) Hold down the air discharge outlet and press the
lower part of the indoor unit until it clicks to
securely fasten to the 2 tabs on the lower part of
the rear plate. (Fig. 33)
For tubing, choose either the right or left tubing direc-
tion and follow the steps below. This work can be made
easier by placing padding material (such as styrofoam)
at the rear right side of the indoor unit. (Fig. 34a)
Or extend the support on the back of the indoor unit as
a stand to make your work easier. (Fig. 34b)
Right-side tubing
(1) Shape the refrigerant tubing so that it can easily
go into the wall hole. (Fig. 35a or 35b)
(2) Push the wiring, refrigerant tubing, and drain hose
through the hole in the wall. Adjust the indoor unit
so it is securely seated on the rear panel. (Fig. 36)
(3) Carefully bend the tubing (if necessary) to run
along the wall in the direction of the outdoor unit
and then tape as far as the fittings. (See Caution
on page 10 or 15 in the outdoor unit installation
manual.) The drain hose should come straight
down the wall to a point where water runoff won’t
stain the wall.
(4) Connect the refrigerant tubing to the outdoor unit.
(After performing a leak test on the connecting
part, insulate it with the tubing insulation. (Fig. 37))
Also, refer to Section 3-6. Tubing connections in
the outdoor unit installation manual.
(5) Assemble the refrigerant tubing, drain hose, and
inter-unit wiring as shown in Fig. 37.
Rear panel
Drain hose
Fig. 35a
Fig. 36
Fig. 33
Padding material
Fig. 34a
Rear panel
(SAP-KRV184, KRV244)
(SAP-KRV186, KRV246)
Fig. 34b
Fig. 37
Wall cap
Rear panel
Drain hose
Fig. 35b
(SAP-KRV184, KRV244)
(SAP-KRV186, KRV246)
08-080 CMRV3146EH_IU ENG 2/15/08 6:53 PM Page 16

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