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The following safety precautions should be
followed when using this appliance:
1. Read all instructions before first use.
2. When using the grill and / or convection
function for the first time, smoke and odour
may be given off for a few minutes. This is
normal during first operation, and is no
cause for alarm.
3. As with most cooking appliances, close
supervision is necessary.
If a fire should start:
* Keep the oven door closed.
* Turn the oven off.
* Disconnect the power cord or shut off the power
at the mains.
Other important safety points to remember are:
1. Do not use wire ties in the oven. Be sure to
inspect purchased items for wire ties and
remove before placing food in the oven.
2. It is important to keep the oven interior clean.
Food particles left on the oven walls reduce the
efficiency of the microwaves.
3. Do not heat foods or liquids in bottles or jars
with lids on. Air must be allowed to escape from
the container.
4. Milk or food for babies should be heated on
450W. It should then be stirred thoroughly
and tested to ensure that it is at the correct
temperature before giving it to the baby.
1. Take care not to spill water on the glass
viewing window during or immediately
after cooking as it may crack.
2. Be sure to use an oven glove when loading
and unloading the oven. Care should be
taken to avoid touching cavity walls inside
3. Be careful not to touch the viewing window
when loading or unloading the oven.
4. The top of the cabinet gets very hot,
therefore do not place items on the oven.
5. Care must be taken when removing cups of hot
liquid from the turntable. Cups should be lifted
not slid to the edge of the turntable to prevent
(a) Do not adjust or repair microwave oven yourself. Do not operate the oven if it is damaged,
until it has been repaired by a service engineer trained by the manufacturer.
(b) It is dangerous for anyone other than a properly qualified engineer trained by the
manufacturer to carry out adjustments or repairs.
(c) If the power supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its
service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
(d) On no account remove or interfere with any parts or screws.

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