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Child Safety:
It Makes A Difference Where Your TV Stands
Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product,
please keep these safety tips in mind:
If you are like most Americans, you have a television in your home.
Many homes, in fact, have more than one television.
The home theater entertainment experience is a growing trend, and larger
televisions are popular purchases and are not always supported on the
proper TV stands.
Sometimes televisions are improperly secured or inappropriately situated on
dressers, bookcases, shelves, desks, audio speakers, chests, or carts. As a
result, TV sets may fall over and may cause unnecessary injury.
Sanyo Cares!
The industry is committed to making home entertainment
enjoyable and safe.
The Consumer Electronics Association formed the Home
Entertainment Support Safety Committee comprised of television and
consumer electronics furniture manufacturers to advocate children’s safety
and educate customers and their families about television safety.
Tune Into Safety
1 One size does NOT fit all. Use the appropriate furniture that is
large enough to support the weight of your television (and other
electronic components).
2 Use appropriate angle braces, straps, and anchors to secure your
furniture to the wall (but never screw anything directly into the TV).
3 Carefully read and understand the other enclosed instructions for proper use
of this product.
4 Don’t allow children to climb on or play with furniture and television sets.
5 Avoid placing any items on top of TVs such as VCRs and remotes that may
pique the children’s curiosity.
6 Remember that children can become excited while watching a program and can
potentially push or pull a TV over.
7 Share our safety message on this hidden hazard of the home with your family and
friends. Thank you!
CEA, 2500 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22201 Tel 703 907 7600 Fax 703 907 7690 www.CE.org
CEA is the Sponsor, Producer and Manager of the International CES
and is a Sector of the Electronic Industries Alliance
Consumer Electronics Association
A sector of EIA

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