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42" Plasma Screen
RF Antenna Input Jacks: Digital and Analog
Built-in Digital and Analog Tuners
Receivable Formats: ATSC Digital Tuner for Terrestrial
Broadcasts and non-scrambled (ClearQAM) broadcasts,
NTSC Analog Tuner for VHF / UHF or CATV
Receives 181 Analog Channels (VHF 2~13 and UHF 14~69;
Cable TV 1, 14~125); and 99 Digital Channels
Automatic Channel Search
Channel Scan Memory
Initial Channel (Analog Only)
Auto Shut Off
3-D Digital Comb Filter (for better picture detail)
V-Chip for Movies and TV Guidelines Rating Limits
(Parental Control)
Closed-Captioning: Analog EIA-608B and Digital EIA-708B
Audio Modes: TV—Main and Sub
NTSC—Stereo, Mono, and SAP
Front Surround Sound
Bass / Treble
Audio Format: Dolby
Digital for TV and Analog for NTSC
Front Speakers 6 x 12 cm (two)
Trilingual Menu Options
Factory Preset Adjustments for Picture / Sound
Picture Shape: Normal, Full, Zoom 1, and Zoom 2
Color Enhancer
Dynamic AI (Auto-Image Control)
Date / Time (Auto Clock)
Sleep Timer (3 hours)
Component Video Input (two sets)
Rear AV Input
S-Video Input
Optical Digital Audio Out
Fixed Audio Out
XDS (Extended Data Services) Displays Station Call Letters,
Title of Show, and Ratings when Broadcast
32-Key Remote Control
Screen Size: 42 inches (Measured Diagonally)
Panel Type: Plasma Display
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Display area: 716 mm (W) x 399 mm (H)
Resolution: 852 x 480 pixels
Color System: NTSC
Scanning Format: 480p (all signals are converted to 480p)
RF Antenna Input: Analog–UHF / VHF / CATV 75 ohm
Digital–75 ohm
Power Requirement: Source: AC 120V, 60Hz
Power Consumption: 300 Watts (Maximum)
Sound: Two Speakers, size: 6x12cm
Amplifier: Built-in with 5.0W/ch
Jacks and Connectors:
Video1 Input: S-Video1, Video and Audio L / R
Component2 Input: Component (Y / Pb / Pr)
Component3 Input: Component (Y / Pb / Pr)
Digital Audio Output: S/P DIF or PCM
Analog Audio Output: Audio L / R
Service Input Jacks: For Production use only
Size and Weight (approximately):
Horizontal Dim. (Width): 47.5 in. (1205.8 mm)
Vertical Dim. (Height): 28.2 in. (715.2 mm)
Depth Dim. (Thickness): 9.8 in. (248.3 mm)
Weight: 84.1 lbs., (38.2 Kg)
Environmental Considerations
Operating Temperature: 32°F ~ 104°F (0°C ~ 40°C)
Humidity: 20 ~ 80%
Storage Temperature: 14°F ~ 122°F (-10°C ~ 50°C)
Humidity: 20 ~ 80 %
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
CAUTION: FCC Regulations state that improper modifications or
unauthorized changes to this unit may void the
user’s authority to operate the unit.
Tr ademarks Information:
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of
Dolby Laboratories.

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