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The electric and magnetic fi elds emitted by this heating pad can interfere with the operation of
pacemakers. However, they are far below the permissible limits: electric fi eld strength: 5,000 V/m
max., magnetic fi eld strength: 80 A/m max., magnetic fl ux density: 0.1 millitesla max. Therefore,
please consult your doctor and the manufacturer of your pacemaker before using this heating pad.
Heating pad
– only connect to the voltage specifi ed on the appliance,
– never operate without supervision,
– never switch on when folded or compressed,
– never wedge between objects,
– never make any sharp creases,
– never use with animals,
– never use when damp,
– only use in conjunction with switch types specifi ed on the heating pad.
When in use, the electronic components in the switch of the heating pad make the switch slightly
warm. The switch should therefore never be covered or placed on the heating pad when it is being
Do not pull, twist or make any sharp kinks in the cables.
Do not stick pins or pointed objects into this heating pad.
This appliance may not be used by children unless the switch has been preset by a parent or a
supervisory person, or the child has been su ciently instructed in how to use this heating pad
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not use the heating pad as a toy.
This heating pad must be checked frequently for signs of wear or damage. If such signs are
present, or if the cables are damaged, or if this heating pad has been used incorrectly, it must be
taken to either the manufacturer or the dealer before further use.
Repairs may only be carried out by specially trained personnel or at an authorised repair work-
shop, as special tools are required. Incorrect repairs may cause considerable danger to the user.
Should you still have questions on using our appliances, please contact our customer service.
2. Proper Use
This heating pad is designed for warming the human body. It allows you to apply tar geted warmth.
Heat promotes the circulation and relaxes the muscles. This heating pad is not intended for use in
hospitals or for commercial applications. In particular, it may not be used on infants, small children,
persons insensitive to heat, helpless persons or animals.
This heating pad is made of breathable velour and is very adaptable and agreeable to the skin.
The detachable switch allows the pad to be cleaned in the washing machine (see cleaning instruc-
When used for the fi rst time, the heating pad may start to smell of plastic but this will soon go away.
This heating pad can be used all purposes, for example, on the stomach, back, joints or neck.
If used for the neck area, the heating pad can be rolled up.
The pull-out Velcro fastenings make it very easy to fasten to the body. The elastic ensures that the
heat is always positioned optimally.
3. Operation
3.1 Safety
This heating pad has a SAFETY SYSTEM. This electronic sensor technology prevents the entire
surface of the heating pad from overheating by automatically switching o in the event of a fault. If
the safety system switches o the heating pad automatically as a result of a fault, the indicator lamp
is no longer illuminated even when the heating pad is switched on. Please note that, after a fault has
occurred, the heating pad can no longer be used for safety reasons and must be sent to the service
address indicated.

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