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Audio codecs
Your radio supports a range of audio codecs which provide compatibility
with a wide range of Internet Radio stations. These also allow users to
stream music from their computers or to play directly from USB and SD/
SDHC  ash memory devices.
Note that for any given audio codec, there are many streaming
protocols available, and thus even if an Internet Radio station uses a
supported format, this does not guarantee that every such station will
work with your radio. The radio stations database to which your radio
connects is checked for compatibility so that most stations should be
playable without problems. Similarly when streaming media from a
computer, while a codec may be supported, there can be many subtle
variations in formats, tagging schemes and protocols (even within
UPnP). In general your radio will play the supported formats with most
common UPnP servers.
The following table summarizes the maximum supported bit-rates for
the various audio formats that are playable on your radio. Higher rates
may be playable in some cases but performance of the product may be
Codec Maximum supported rate
AAC (LC) 320 kbits/sec
320 kbits/sec
Real Audio 64 kbits/sec
WAV 1.536 Mbits/sec
WMA (3)
320 kbits/sec
All codecs support 2-channel (stereo) coded les only.
All codecs support sample rates up to 48 kbits/sec (includes 32 and
44.1 kbits/sec).
USB and SD/SDHC playback supports MP3 and WMA formats only.
Files which have Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection applied
will not be playable on your radio.
(1) The maximum supported bit-rate is for a 48 kHz sampling, 2 channels
and 16-bits per sample.
(2) WMA Lossless, WMA Voice, WMA 10 Professional, and les which
have DRM protection are not supported.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sangean WFR-29C

Sangean WFR-29C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 87 pagina's

Sangean WFR-29C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 87 pagina's

Sangean WFR-29C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 87 pagina's

Sangean WFR-29C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 87 pagina's

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