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If you use the radio powered from the batteries, the battery light will be
off until the batteries are exhausted. The battery light will then show red
for a short while before the radio switches itself off. It does this in order
that the batteries are not excessively discharged. This would otherwise
damage the batteries and shorten their life.
If you use the radio powered from the mains with rechargeable batteries
tted, the charging process is suspended until you switch off the radio
When you switch off the radio using its On/Off button charging will then
resume. If the batteries have already been charged then they will only
charge for a few more minutes before the battery indicator stops ash-
If you only listen to your radio for short periods, you do not need to
connect your radio to the mains to charge the batteries every time that
you use it. However, if the radio is not to be used for a few weeks, then
we recommend that the batteries are fully charged (battery light shows
steady green) before the radio is put to one side.
If you intend not to use your radio for some months, then we recom-
mend that the batteries are removed and put away, keeping them in a
cool place out of reach of children, away from moisture and such that no
metal object can contact the battery terminals.
With care, rechargeable batteries can last a long time and can oper-
ate for many hundreds of charge and discharge cycles. When your re-
chargeable batteries can no longer power your radio adequately, please
dispose of them thoughtfully.
To avoid danger and risk of injury, please follow these
guide lines
Improper use of batteries may result in leakage of fluid, overheating
or explosion. Battery uid is corrosive and may also be toxic. Battery
uid can cause skin burns, can damage the eyes, and can be harmful if
1. Keep batteries out of the reach of children.
2. Do not heat, open, puncture, mutilate or dispose of batteries by burning.
3. Do not mix different battery types or old and new batteries. Always
replace all the batteries at the same time.
4. Do not carry or store batteries such that metal objects may contact
the end caps.
5. Remove batteries from the radio if they are worn out or if you are
storing it for a long time.
6. Remove old or worn out batteries promptly, and recycle or dispose of
them according to the regulations applicable to your location.
7. If a battery does leak, remove all batteries from the product, taking care
to avoid directly touching the leaked uid. If the uid contacts skin or
clothes wash with water immediately. Before inserting new batteries,
thoroughly clean the battery compartment with a damp paper towel,
or follow the battery manufacturers advice for clean up.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sangean DPR-68

Sangean DPR-68 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 25 pagina's

Sangean DPR-68 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Sangean DPR-68 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

Sangean DPR-68 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 25 pagina's

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