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With the strong growth in digital content generation, preventing data loss has become crucial. The
Backup software is an easy way to backup valuable personal and professional files from
any computer onto your SanDisk
Backup USB flash drive.
The SanDisk Backup software is designed for users who care about their data and take the
important step to prevent data loss due to computer crashes, theft, viruses or any other
unpredictable mishap. The SanDisk Backup application’s easy-to-use interface makes saving,
protecting and restoring valuable data (documents, presentations, photos, music, video files, etc.)
a simple task.
Backup Software Key Features
One-touch backup button
Backup your critical files anytime with a simple and convenient touch of a button from your
SanDisk Ultra Backup USB flash drive. (Note: Works only with computers running Windows
Windows Vista
, and Windows
Incremental Backup
Unlike traditional backup software, the SanDisk Backup software provides you with an option to
store only new and modified files, thus reducing system overhead.
Define the number of versions you want to keep, preserving multiple iterations of a file for later
use. At any moment, you can travel back in time to access a file’s previous version. You’ll never
lose any data, even if a file was inadvertently modified or erased.
Automatic Backup, Live Backup
Leverage the SanDisk Backup applications continuous data protection (CDP) technology to
automatically detect changes to files and back them up onto the storage device without user
intervention. You never need to worry about manually backing up data or scheduling it; the
SanDisk Backup software will take care of it for you 24/7.
Custom Configuration
Filter by file extension, date or size. With numerous configuration options, the SanDisk Backup
software provides a flexible tool that allows you to easily choose the data you wish to backup.
Cross-Platform Support
Your data is seamlessly available whether you are using a Mac or a PC. The SanDisk Backup
delivers the same powerful backup features and ease-of-use on both platforms for a consistent
Supported Operating Systems:
XP (Service Pack 2 is recommended)
Windows Vista
Mac OS
X v10.5+
Supported Internet Browsers:
Internet Explorer (v5.0 and higher)
(v1.0 and higher)
Required Hardware:
Available USB port
SanDisk Ultra Backup USB flash drive

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SanDisk u3 cruzer micro 4 gb Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Alle talen - 28 pagina's

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