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Not iNteNded for use by childreN
youNger thaN 8 years old.
Avoid spilling any liquid onto or into the Sansa
Shaker player.
Dropping the player or excessive force on the player
may result in damage or sound distortion to the
Sansa Shaker.
road safety:
In general for safe MP3 player use do not use head-
phones while operating any motorized vehicle or
biking. Additionally, it can be potentially dangerous
to play your headset at a high volume while walking,
especially at night.
listeNiNg safety:
We want you to enjoy your Sansa Shaker safely and
recommend playing it at a safe level. A safe level is one
that lets the sound come through loud and clear with-
out blaring or distortion and, most importantly, with-
out affecting your hearing. With this in mind please be
mindful of playing the Shaker through headphones at
max level for extended periods of time.
Here are recommendations for a safe level of listening
on the Sansa Shaker:
Start your volume control at a normal setting.
Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it
clearly and without interference
Safety Instructions
1) Read the safety instructions carefully before using
your Sansa.
2) Read this entire manual to ensure proper usage.
3) Keep this User Guide for future reference.
4) Do not use Headphones/Earphones while driving,
cycling, or operating any motorized vehicle. This
may create a traffic hazard and may be illegal in
some areas. It can also be dangerous to play your
music with Headphones/Earphones at high volume
while walking, or engaged in other activities. You
should exercise extreme caution and discontinue
use in potentially hazardous situations.
5) Avoid using Headphones/Earphones at high vol
ume. Hearing experts advise against continuous
loud and extended music play. Keep the volume at
a moderate level, so that you are better able to hear
outside sound, and to be considerate of the people
around you.
6) Keep your player away from sinks, drinks, bathtubs,
showers, rain, and other sources of moisture. Mois-
ture can cause electric shocks with any electronic
7) Do not disassemble, crush, short-circuit or inciner-
ate your battery as it may cause fire, injury, burns or
other hazards.
8) Follow these tips to keep your player working well
for a long time:
Clean your player with a soft lint-free cloth
used on glass lenses.
Never force any connector into the ports of
your player or your computer. Make sure your
connectors are the identical shape and size
before you connect.
We recommend that adult supervision be given
to read the Quick Start Guide and User Manual to
support children in using the Sansa Shaker for a
safe and fun experience.
Congratulations on your purchase of a Sansa Shaker
MP3 Player.
The SanDisk Sansa Shaker
is the world’s first af-
fordable MP3 player with an integrated speaker, SD
card slot, two headphone jacks, and the unique shake
feature. The Sansa Shaker player does not come with
embedded memory but offers you superior features
not typically offered on a smaller capacity player. The
integrated speaker and dual headphone jacks enable
you to share music. The SD slot is capable of reading
and writing data to the SD cards up to 2 Gbytes in
capacity. A fresh AAA battery will last up to 10 hours
when listening through the headphones.

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