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slotRadio CARD
Quick Start Guide
MP3 Player
1. Before using your player, fully charge your device.
Connect device to your PC (PC has to be on).
2. A connected icon will appear on the device once a
minimum charge is established, which can take up to
30 minutes if battery is fully drained. Full charge takes
up to three hours.
3. To stop charging, unplug device. Battery indicator will be
completely green when fully charged.
How To Play Music
1. Select Music from the main menu. Press the center touch
button to select.
2. Swipe left or right to browse Artist, Album, Song, Genre or
Playlist. Swipe up or down to browse files within selection.
3. Press the back button to return to the next menu level.
Press and hold to return to home menu.
4. In the Play Screen swipe or tap left and right to skip
a song.
You can personalize your device by
selecting Settings from the main
menu. On main menu, select
Settings and center tap Select
to access the many settings
options available.
Basic Settings
Personalize your Music, Video, Photo, Podcast & Book,
and General Settings*.
1. Select Music Settings, Video Settings, Photo Settings
or Podcast & Book Settings.
2. Selecting any of these options will allow you to
personalize the Shuffle, Repeat, Orientation, Brightness,
Slideshow, Playback speed, etc., of your device,
depending on which option you choose.
3. When finished personalizing your settings, press and hold
the Back button to return to the main menu. Your changes
will be saved automatically.
When listening to a song,
Sansa® Fuze™+
MP3 player
offers five options for changing your listening experience.
Click center Select button to activate.
1. Rate Song – (tap or swipe left-right to change)
Rated songs with 4 and 5-stars automatically creates a
“My Top Rated” playlist, found under “Playlists” (the fifth
sub-option) under Music menu.
2. Shuffle – plays content in random order.
3. Repeat – plays music songs continuously.
4. Add Song to Playlist – adds currently playing song to
Music Go List.
5. Delete Song deleting a song from your device (note: this
option will not delete the song from your PC playlists).
Simply pop in a SanDisk
microSD™ or microSDHC™ card*
(the tiny card that adds storage
to most standard cell phones)
to expand the storage space for
your library—music, videos,
photos, audiobooks, podcasts—
and you’re good to go.
1,000 songs. Zero downloads.
Simply insert an optional
slotRadio™ card* and enjoy
handcrafted playlists to fit
your style, mood or activities.
Visit www.slotRadio.com for
more information.
1. Download and install Sansa Updater.
2. Download and install the Sansa Media Converter
a. Connect your Sansa player to the PC. The Sansa
Firmware Updater should launch automatically.
b. Click to select the Sansa Media Converter check box,
and then click Download Now.
c. Click Finish.
3. Launch the Sansa Media Converter application.
Click Start then go to Programs > SanDisk >
Sansa Updater > Sansa Media Converter.
Firmware is the code that powers your Sansa® Fuze™+ MP3
player. SanDisk occasionally releases firmware updates,
which may include new features and performance
enhancements. In addition, the downloadable Sansa Media
Converter (SMC) enables users to expand the video and
photo capabilities of their player.
For firmware version v.2.36+
MP3 Player
Charging Device Firmware Updater/Sansa Media Converter
Main Menu
Using a microSD™ or slotRadio™ Card Settings Tips and Troubleshooting Support, FAQs, and Forums
Playing Music Music Options
Player At-A-Glance Navigation Overview
If your player doesn’t connect:
a. Unplug the player
b. Select Settings
c. Select System Settings
d. Select USB Mode
e. Change the USB Mode from Auto Detect to MSC
f. Plug your player back into your PC
Dont worry, the battery can not be overcharged.
After first download, the Updater will automatically
notify you of any new firmware updates.
For the latest firmware, visit
Battery indicator
Tap pointTap point
Tap point
Tap point
Scroll up
Scroll down
Press and hold to turn player on/off.
Quickly press (0.5 second) on/off button to
Press and hold for 10 seconds to reset your player.
Data on player will not be lost.
Navigate through screens, photos and menus
by sliding or tapping desired direction.
Tap center to make a selection.
Tap center while at “Now playing” mode to
bring up options menu.
Toggle between Play and Pause/Stop.
Tap Back/Home button to return to previous
screen level.
Press and hold Back/Home button to return to
main menu level.
Insert a microSD™/microSDHC™ memory card
(to expand capacity, or to read media files you
might have stored on it) or listen to a slotRadio™
card (both sold separately).
Connect cable to PC and device to either charge
or transfer data.
Press up/down to change volume level.
Insert earphones here. Note: earphone cable is the
antenna for presetting and listening to FM radio.
Use for voice recording.
On/Off Power and
Lock Button
Navigation Touch Pad
Card Slot
USB Connecting Port
Volume Control
Earphone Jack
Display screen
Displays user interface, functional section, play
mode, battery level, duration, and position
indicator (dots on the bottom of the screen).
Sansa® Fuze™+
MP3 player’s unique graphical user interface has a dedicated home menu for each of the 8 functional categories.
The location indicator (dot at bottom of screen) shows your position within the home and sub-menus.
Pressing the Play/Pause button will
immediately play any selected item.
Pressing the Play/Pause button in the Music
main menu will play your last played song.
Swiping up and down in the main menu will scroll
through your 15 most recently played songs.
How to Navigate
1. Swipe/tap horizontally to navigate to main menu screens.
2. Press Select to choose a feature.
3. Select content, then press Play
Recently Played Mode
1. Press and hold Back button to return to home level.
2. Swipe/tap to Music home menu.
3. At Music home menu you can vertically swipe/tap your
15 recently played tracks. Press Play to start playing.
4. At this mode you can tap Back in order to get to
now playing” song, which will appear as the associated
album art taking up most of the screen (see right).
5. From “now playing” mode swipe/tap to skip or rewind
a song.
1. Download the latest device software from:
2. Press and hold the on/off
button for 10 seconds to reset.
Data will not be lost.
3. Check battery level, recharge if needed.
4. Make sure you have Windows Media® Player 10
or above if using a PC to connect your device*.
* Download at www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia
For the fastest way to get you up and running
again, contact customer support at:
* Card not included. slotRadio™ card available only in North America.
* Refer to User Manual for more details.
To learn more about your player’s
many functionalities, visit:
User Manual
Discussion Forums
To lock the device, quickly press (0.5 second) on/off button.
All the function keys, except volume control, will be disabled
once lock is engaged. Music will continue to play in
lock mode.
To unlock the player, quickly press (0.5 second) on/off
button again.
The following images will appear:
Sansa® Fuze™+ MP3 player automatically sorts your music
under these categories:
Artists (alphabetical order)
PC Users
Drag and Drop Files
1. Connect player to PC using the included USB connector.
2. Open “My Computer” on your PC.
3. Double click on the player icon and then click on
“Internal Memory”.
4. Drag and drop files to the Music folder.
Windows Media® Player Application
For an optimal Music experience, synchronize your music
library with Windows Media® Player. Below are some of the
enhanced features.
1. Create Music playlist of your favorite songs.
2. Organize your Music library.
3. Find and insert missing album art.
4. Edit incorrect song titles.
Mac Users
Visit the following link for step-by-step instructions:

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Andere handleiding(en) van SanDisk Sansa Fuze +

SanDisk Sansa Fuze + Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 60 pagina's

SanDisk Sansa Fuze + Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 60 pagina's

SanDisk Sansa Fuze + Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 58 pagina's

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