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TruDirect™ Software is not operated in the DVD Writer.
TruDirect™ Software operates by communicating with a TruDirect™ drive of
Check if a TruDirect™ drive is connected correctly.
2. Is it possible to record a video file that a computer cannot play with TruDirect™?
It is impossible to record a video file that a computer cannot play. Confirm the normal play
after Installing the correct codec or decoder and then record with TruDirect™.
3. It is impossible to record with TruDirect™ in spite that a video file is played with a PC
Some codec is operated in the special software. In this case, it could not be supported by
TruDirect™. Recommend the use of certified and stable codec.
Also, some united codec could make the all system unstable.
4. Why a part of video files supports 'Video recording with watching' mode?
And, what kinds of video file show the present screen during the 'recording the all
In TruDirect™ 1.0, only the standard MPEG-2 video file supports 'Video recording with
' mode. And it works quickly without showing the present screen in the case of
'recording the all videos'.
5. How to use the DV camcorder (Tape type) in TruDirect™?
To record pictures of DV camcorder, the camcorder should be connected with the IEEE 1394
(FireWire) port of PC. Execute TruDirect™ after connecting the camcorder with a PC. (If
there is no IEEE 1394 port in the PC, internal/external DV capture board is needed.)
Some camcoders support the USB connection and IEEE 1394 connection at the same time.
5. Easy checks for TruDirect
6. How to use the USB connection of camcorder, web camera, and digital camera in?
To record video/photo files with TruDirect™ from the above devices, connect a device with
a USB port of PC(1.1 or 2.0 : USB 2.0 connection provides the best data transmission rate.).
Some devices need a correct USB driver. In this case, install the provided driver with a device
or the newest version of driver at the homepage of manufacturer.
*** If a device is not recognized in the Microsoft Windows OS, it is impossible to use in
TruDirect™. If a device is not recognized in the OS, install the correct device driver.
7. There is no sound in DVD made with TruDirect™ by connecting the external device.
Check if the video/audio device is selected correctly at the selection window when connecting
the device. Otherwise check the original source of audio is saved correctly.
8. Photo slide show is not worked normally.
There is a case that some software that DVD timer logic is not realized dose not work
automatically the photo slide show made by TruDirect™. In this case, press button or click to
continue to the next picture.
'Write error' occurs when recording with TruDirect™.
Check if a disc is scratched, broken, or dirtied.
An error could occur if another work is processed when recording a DVD.
10. A DVD that is made with TruDirect™ is not played in my DVD player.
Check if your DVD player supports the DVD media type(±R, ±RW, ±R Dual Layer, RAM ).
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SE-S204S-ENG(외장형).indd 32-33SE-S204S-ENG(외장형).indd 32-33 2007-10-30 오후 1:29:342007-10-30 오후 1:29:34

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