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When the DirectX 9.0c or later is not installed
Install the DirectX 9.0c or later
1) Insert the CD provided with the camera
2) Run the windows explorer and select the [CD-ROM drive:\
DirectX] folder and click the DXSETUP.exe file.
The DirectX will be installed. Visit the following site for
downloading the DirectX.http://www.microsoft.com/directx
If a PC connected with the camera stops responding while
Windows is starting.
In this case, disconnect the PC and the camera and Windows
will start. If the problem happens continuously, set the Legacy
USB Support to disable and re-start the PC. The Legacy USB
Support is in the BIOS setup menu. (The BIOS setup menu
differs from the PC manufacturers and some BIOS menus don’
t have Legacy USB Support) If you can’t change the menu by
yourself, contact to the PC manufacturer or BIOS manufacturer.
If the movie clip can’t be deleted, or the removable disk can’t be
extracted or an error message displays during the file transfer.
If you install only the Samsung Master, the problems mentioned
above occasionally happen.
- Close the Samsung Master program by clicking the Samsung
Master icon on the Taskbar.
- Install all the application programs included in the software CD.
Correct disposal of batteries in this product
Correct disposal of batteries in this product
(Applicable in the European Union and other European
countries with separate battery return systems.)
This marking on the battery, manual or packaging indicates that
the batteries in this product should not be disposed of with other
household waste at the end of their working life. Where marked, the
chemical symbols Hg, Cd or Pb indicate that the battery contains
mercury, cadmium or lead above the reference levels in EC Directive
2006/66. If batteries are not properly disposed of, these substances
can cause harm to human health or the environment.
To protect natural resources and to promote material reuse, please
separate batteries from other types of waste and recycle them
through your local, free battery return system.
The rechargeable battery incorporated in this product is not user replaceable.
For information on its replacement, please contact your service provider.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung es17

Samsung es17 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 98 pagina's

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