Pagina terug
Pagina verder
25 Turning on the TV with a Mobile Device
25 Connecting an IP control device to the TV
25 Setting up an Internet connection over IPv6
26 Changing the name of the TV on a network
Troubleshooting Internet Connectivity Issues
26 Troubleshooting Internet connectivity issues
Connecting Video Devices
28 Connecting with an HDMI cable
29 Connecting with a component cable (Only for models with
30 Connecting with a composite cable (Only for models with
Audio Input and Output Connections
31 Connecting with an HDMI (ARC) cable
31 Connecting with a digital audio (optical) cable
31 Connecting through a wireless network
32 Connecting Bluetooth Devices
Connecting a Computer
32 Connecting through the HDMI port ― Screen Sharing (HDMI)
Connecting Your Mobile Device
33 Connecting to the TV via the SmartThings app
34 Bidirectionally mirroring your TV and mobile device using the
SmartThings app
34 Managing a Mobile Device
Switching between external devices connected to the TV
35 Changing the input signal
35 Editing the name and icon of an external device
36 Using additional functions
Connection Notes
37 Connection notes for HDMI
38 Connection notes for audio devices
39 Connection notes for computers
39 Connection notes for mobile devices
Quick Guides
Connecting the Samsung Smart Remote to the TV
Using Smart Hub
Using the Ambient mode
10 Screen states related to Ambient mode
11 Changing the content and settings for Ambient mode
Using the Shortcuts
14 Adding channels
14 Moving channels
14 Removing a channels
Using Voice Interaction
15 Running Voice Interaction
16 Learning about Voice Command Guide
17 Read Before Using Voice Interaction
Updating the TV’s Software
18 Updating the TVs software to the latest version
18 Updating the TV automatically
Getting Support
19 Getting support through Remote Management
20 Finding the contact information for service
20 Requesting service
Connection Guide
Connecting an Antenna (Aerial)
Connecting to the Internet
23 Connecting to your Internet network
25 Checking the Internet connection status
25 Resetting Your Network

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung UE40NU7190

Samsung UE40NU7190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 196 pagina's

Samsung UE40NU7190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 84 pagina's

Samsung UE40NU7190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Samsung UE40NU7190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 196 pagina's

Samsung UE40NU7190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français - 84 pagina's

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