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Other Information
Issues Solutions and Explanations
The PIP menu is not available. • PIP functionality is only available when you are using a HDMI source.
You turned the LED display off 45 minutes
ago, and it turned on again.
• It is normal. The LED display operates the OTA (Over The Aerial) function itself to upgrade firmware
downloaded whilst your watching LED display.
The message “Scramble signal” or “Weak
Signal/No Signal appears.
• If you are using a CAM CARD (CI/CI+), check that it is installed into the common interface slot.
• If there is still a problem, pull the CAM CARD out of the LED display and insert it into the slot again.
There are recurrent picture/sound issues. • Check and change the signal/source.
A reaction may occur between the rubber
cushion pads on the base stand and the
top finish of some furniture.
• To prevent this, use felt pads on any surface of the LED display that comes in direct contact with
This panel uses a panel consisting of sub pixels which require sophisticated technology to produce. However, there may be a
few bright or dark pixels on the screen. These pixels will have no impact on the performance of the product.
¦ Storage and Maintenance
If you attched some stickers on the LED display screen, it remains some debris after removing the sticker. Please clean it to
watch LED display.
The exterior and screen of the product can get scratched during cleaning. Be sure to wipe the exterior and screen carefully
using the cloth provided or a soft cloth to prevent scratches.
Do not spray water or a cleaning agent directly onto the product.
Any liquid that goes into the product may cause a failure, fire, or
electric shock.
Clean the product with a soft cloth dapped in a small amount of
If the height of "
" on one side is different from the other side,
adjust the heights.

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