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Basic Features
Size : Your cable box/satellite receiver
may have its own set of screen
sizes as well. However, we highly
recommend you use 16:9 mode most
of the time.
Auto Wide: Automatically adjusts the
picture size to the 16:9 aspect ratio.
16:9 : Adjusts the picture size to 16:9 for DVDs or wide
Wide Zoom: Magnifies the picture size more than 4:3.
Adjusts the Position by using
, buttons.
Zoom: Magnifies the 16:9 wide pictures vertically to fit
the screen size.
Adjusts the Position or Size by using
, button.
4:3 : The default setting for a movie or normal
Do not watch in 4:3 format for a long time. Traces
of borders displayed on the left, right and centre
of the screen may cause image retention(screen
burn) which are not covered by the warranty.
Screen Fit: Displays the full image without any cut-off
when HDMI (720p / 1080i / 1080p) or Component
(1080i / 1080p) signals are inputted.
After selecting
Screen Fit in HDMI (1080i/1080p) or
Component (1080i/1080p) mode, you may need to
centre the picture:
1. Press the or button to select Position.
2. Press the ENTER
3. Press the or button to move the
Depending on the input source, the picture size
options may vary.
The available items may differ depending on the
selected mode.
In PC mode, only
16:9 and 4:3 modes can be
Settings can be adjusted and stored for each
external device connected to an input of the TV.
If you use the
Screen Fit function with HDMI 720p
input, 1 line will be cut at the top, bottom, left and
right as in the overscan function.
Screen Mode (16:9 / Wide Zoom / Zoom / 4:3) :
Available only when picture size is set to Auto Wide.
You can determine the desired picture size at the 4:3
WSS (Wide Screen Service) size or the original size.
Each European country requires different picture size.
Not available in PC, Component or HDMI mode.
Digital Noise Filter (Off / Low / Medium / High / Auto
/ Auto Visualisation): When the broadcast signal is
weak, some static and ghosting may appear. Select one
of the options until the best picture is displayed.
Auto Visualisation: When changing analogue channels,
displays signal strength.
Only available for analogue channels.
When bar is green, you are receiving the best
possible signal.
MPEG Noise Filter (Off / Low / Medium / High /
Auto): Reduces MPEG noise to provide an improved
picture quality.
Disabled under PC mode.
HDMI Black Level (Normal / Low) : Selects the black
level on the screen to adjust the screen depth.
Available only in HDMI mode (RGB signals).
Film Mode (Off / Auto1 / Auto2) : Sets the TV to
automatically sense and process film signals from all
sources and adjust the picture for optimum quality.
Available in TV, AV, COMPONENT (480i / 1080i)
and HDMI (480i / 1080i).
Auto Protection Time (2 hours/4 hours/8 hours/10
hours/ Off) : If the same image remains on the screen,
Auto Screen Burn Protector will work.
Picture Reset (OK / Cancel)
Resets your current picture mode to its default settings.
BN68-02589F_Eng.indb 16 2010-3-18 19:07:52

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  • In het beeld krijg ik altijd een sticker die ik niet kan verwijderen met: HD tv monitor - LED -SERIES 3 - PIP - movie hdmi - samsung ik wil de moniotor wel door het raam meppen.
    Vriedelijke groet Johan. Gesteld op 1-12-2012 om 17:18

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