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Using 3-5
Mode Select a screen mode to match the environment, the kind of images you are projecting, or select a
customized mode you have created based on your requirements.
<Dynamic> : Selects the picture for increased definition in a bright room.
<Standard> : Selects the picture for the optimum display in a normal environment.
<Presentation> : This mode is suitable for presentations.
<Text> : This mode is suitable for text work.
<Movie> : This mode is suitable for viewing a movie.
<Game> : This picture mode is optimized for playing games.
In <Game> mode, the text in still pictures will appear unnatural.
<User> : This is a customized mode you create using the <Mode><Save> function.
The <Presentation> and <Text> modes are only enabled when the input signal is PC Timing(D-
Sub/HDMI) or <Media Play>.
<Contrast> : Used to adjust the contrast between the object and the background.
<Brightness> : Used to adjust the brightness of the entire picture.
<Sharpness> : Used to adjust the sharpness of the picture.
<Sharpness> is disabled when the input signal is PC Timing(D-Sub/HDMI) or <Media Play>.
<Color> : Used to adjust color lighter or darker.
<Color> is disabled when the input signal is PC Timing(D-Sub/HDMI) or <Media Play>.
<Tint> : Used to obtain more natural color by enhancing the amount of green or red in images.
<Tint> is disabled when the input signal is PC Timing (D-Sub/HDMI) , AV Timing(VIDEO)'s
PAL and SECAM signal, or <Media Play> modes.
<Color Tone > : The tone of the color can be changed.
Factory defaults: <Cool2>, <Cool1>, <Warm1>, <Warm2>
You can select the color temperature for the items below according to your preferences.
<R-Gain>, <G-Gain>, <B-Gain> : Adjusts the color temperature of the White level.
<R-Offset>, <G-Offset>, <B-Offset> : Adjusts the color temperature of the Black level.
<Color Tone >-<R-Gain>-<G-Gain>-<B-Gain>-<R-Offset>-<G-Offset>-<B-Offset>
<Gamma> : Changes the brightness characteristic for each color tone of an image.
The larger (+) the value, the greater the contrast of the bright and dark parts.
The smaller (-) the value, the darker the dark parts.
Adjustable range: -3 to +3
<Save> : You can save the status of a screen you adjusted according to your preferences using the
<Mode><User> OSD.
<Reset> : Restores the mode settings to the factory defaults.
Size Using this function, you select a screen size.
<Zoom1> and <Zoom2> are disabled when the input signal is PC Timing(D-Sub/HDMI) or
<Media Play>.
<Normal>-<Zoom1>-<Zoom2>-<16 : 9>

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung SP-M226

Samsung SP-M226 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 96 pagina's

Samsung SP-M226 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 97 pagina's

Samsung SP-M226 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 96 pagina's

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