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2-6 Installation and Connection
2-6 Lamp Replacement
Cautions on Lamp Replacement
The projector lamp is an expendable item. For best operating performance, replace the lamp according to the usage time.
You can view the lamp usage time in the Information Display (INFO button).
Replace the lamp with the one specified below only.
- For inquiries on lamp purchase, please see 'Contact SAMSUNG WORLDWIDE' in section 6-3.
Check that the power cord is unplugged before replacing the lamp.
Because the lamp is a high temperature and high voltage product, wait at least one hour from the time you disconnect the
power cord before replacing the lamp.
The projector lamp is on the top of the projector.
Do not leave the old lamp near flammable items or in reach of children. There is a danger of fire, burns, or injury.
Remove dirt or foreign material around or inside the lamp unit using a proper vacuum device.
When handling the lamp, avoid touching any part of it except for the handles. If you handle the lamp incorrectly, you can
shorten the lamp’s lifetime and affect picture quality.
When you change the lamp, put the projector on a flat surface.
The projector has been designed so that the projector does not work if the lamp cover is not completely assembled after a
lamp replacement. If the projector does not work properly, please check the operating status of the indicator LED.
Lamp contains Mercury. Dispose According to Local, State or Federal Laws.
Lamp Replacement Procedure
Because the lamp is a high temperature and high voltage product, wait at least one hour from the time that the power
cord is disconnected before replacing it.
The projector lamp is on the top of the projector.
1. Remove the screw shown in the figure below, and then open the cover.
2. Wtih the cover open, remove the three (3) screws on the top of the projector as shown in the figure below.
3. To remove the lamp, hold and then pull the lamp handle as shown in the figure below.
Model SP-M205 / SP-M225 SP-M255 / SP-M275 / SP-M305
Lamp Model Name DPL3311U DPL3321U

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung SP-M225

Samsung SP-M225 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 94 pagina's

Samsung SP-M225 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 98 pagina's

Samsung SP-M225 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 97 pagina's

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