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Do not display a still image on the LCD panel for more than 2 hours as it can cause screen image
retention. This image retention is also known as "screen burn".
To avoid such image retention, reduce the degree of brightness and contrast of the screen when
displaying a still image.
Watching the LCD TV in 4:3 format for a long period of time may leave traces of borders
displayed on the left, right and center of the screen caused by the difference of light
emission on the screen. Playing a DVD or a game console may cause a similar effect to the
screen. Damages caused by the above effect are not covered by the Warranty.
Displaying still images from Video games and PC for longer than a certain period of time may produce
partial after-images. To prevent this effect, reduce the ‘brightness’ and ‘contrast’ when displaying still
Precautions When Displaying a Still Image
A still image may cause permanent damage to the TV screen.
Image retention, commonly known as screen burn-in, can occur on most types of television if the same
image is displayed continuously. The most common causes of image retention are logos that remain
stationary on the TV screen. These logos are common on many programmes received via a Setop Box.
To reduce this risk, avoid displaying still images for long durations and lower the brightness or contrast
settings to decrease the intensity of the picture. Extended viewing of movies and programs in aspect
ratios that are different from the aspect ratio of the TV may cause image retention. Always endeavour
to avoid black borders top or bottom by using the zoom function. This will help eliminate the black
borders and t the picture to the entire area of the screen. Using a video game console may cause
image retention and is not recommended. When using a PC input, avoid displaying still images for long
durations and reduce the brightness or contrast settings to decrease the intensity of the picture.
Image retention issues are not covered by your Samsung® warranty.
© 2007 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
BN68-01186A-Eng-0309.indd 1 2007-03-13 �� 11:24:14

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  • Is het een bekend probleem dat de Samsung LE40M86BD uit zichzelf uit gaat, en vrijwel direct weer aan gaat?
    Dit gebeurt bijna dagelijks meerdere keren achter elkaar, en soms dagen niet.
    Gesteld op 21-10-2013 om 17:12

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE40M86

Samsung LE40M86 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 61 pagina's

Samsung LE40M86 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 188 pagina's

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