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List of Parts
Please make sure the following items are included with your LCD TV. If any items are missing, contact your dealer.
Remote Control &
Batteries (AAA x 2)
Power Cord Cover-Bottom
Stand Screw
(M4xL 16)
Stand Cleaning Cloth
Owners Instructions
Warranty card
Safety Guide
Registration Cards
Warranty card / Safety Guide / Registration Cards (Not available in all locations)
The stand and stand screw may not be included depending on the model.
Connecting and Preparing Your TV
Installing the Stand
1. Connect your LCD TV and the stand.
Two or more people should carry the TV.
Make sure to distinguish between the front and back of the stand when assembling them.
Fasten two screws at position 1 and then fasten two screw at position 2.
Stand the product up and fasten the screws. If you fasten the screws with the LCD
TV placed down, it may lean to
one side.
The stand is installed for models with the screen size of 37 inch and above.
Installing the Wall Mount Kit
Wall mount items (sold separately) allow you to mount the TV on the wall.
For detailed information on installing the wall mount, see the instructions
provided with the Wall Mount items. Contact a technician for assistance when
installing the wall mounted bracket.
Samsung Electronics is not responsible for any damage to the product or injury
to yourself or others if you elect to install the TV on your own.
Do not install your Wall Mount Kit while your TV is turned on. It may
result in personal injury due to electric shock.
Remove the stand and cover the bottom hole with a cap and fasten with
two screws.
BN68-01409H-00ENG.indb 2 2008-04-28 �� 5:18:11

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