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English - 29
Input Menu
Source List
Use to select TV or other external input sources such as DVD / Blu-ray players / Cable Box /
Satellite receivers (Set-Top Box) connected to the TV. Use to select the input source of your
Press the SOURCE button on the remote control to view an external signal source. TV
mode can be selected by pressing the TV button.
TV / Ext.1 / Ext.2 / AV / Component / PC / HDMI1 / HDMI2 / HDMI3/DVI / HDMI4
You can choose only those external devices that are connected to the TV. In the Source
List, connected inputs will be highlighted and sorted to the top. Inputs that are not connected
will be sorted to the bottom.
If USB devices are connected to the USB1(HDD) and USB2 jacks, they are displayed as
USB1 and USB2 in order.
Ext. and PC Always stays activated.
Using the Colour buttons on the remote with the Source list
Red (Refresh): Refreshes the connected external devices. Press this if your Source is
on and connected, but does not appear in the list.
TOOLS (Tools): Displays the Edit Name and Information menus.
Edit Name
VCR / DVD / Cable STB / Satellite STB / PVR STB / AV Receiver / Game / Camcorder / PC / DVI / DVI PC / TV / IPTV / Blu-ray
Name the device connected to the input jacks to make your input source selection easier.
When a PC with a resolution of 1920 x 1080@60Hz is connected to the HDMI IN 3(DVI) port, you should set the HDMI3/DVI
mode to DVI PC in the Edit Name of the Input mode.
When connecting an HDMI/DVI cable to the HDMI IN 3(DVI) port, you should set the HDMI3/DVI mode to DVI or DVI PC in
the Edit Name of the Input mode. In this case, a separate sound connection is required.
Support Menu
Legal Notice
View the Legal Notice and General Disclaimer regarding Third Party Contents and Service.
The General Disclaimer may differ depending on the country.
Product Guide
The Product Guide gives you information on the most important features of this TV.
The descriptions provided by this function are in English only.
PictureQuality Full HD 1080p
100Hz Motion Plus
Picture Mode
Medi@2.0 Internet@ TV - Content Service
Content Library Flash
USB2.0 Movie
DLNA Wireless
Eco-Friendly Energy Saving Mode
Eco Material
Ext.1 :----
Ext.2 :----
PC :----
AV :----
Component :----
BN68-02325A-Eng.indb 29 2009-05-19 �� 3:42:53

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE32B651

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 674 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 354 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl - 674 pagina's

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